Smurfing Discussion

I didn’t ignore what you said, I just don’t agree with you.

Seems like it. Smurfs are bad. I get it, I already said it. As I said, they destroy the player’s experience, but not more than the game itself with the current MM.

So, you’ve quoted yourself as contradicting your own argument. Not sure how that helps you. :wink:

The real issue you have is with the matchmaker. I think we actually agree on smurfing, so let’s leave it at that. Yes?

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C’mon, at least read what I said.


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At least in 5v5 ranked the mm is as good if not better than its ever been.

If you look at my last couple of ranked games that display on VGpro I have multiple that are all within the exact same tier, and many with only one player outside of that like a tier 9 gold or tier 10 silver. How much better can mm be than almost 100% same tiered players?

Iam not missing the point , I was against smurfing until I tried it myself , if you are a soloq player you need to smurf because it’s the way to fill in the draft , you could easily main 2 roles in your main but you can’t play the 3rd decent without smurf , if I would go carry in the higher tier plays Iam just going to feed and probably going to get reported and added and get all that bad things , but with smurfing you just going to play with new players learning the game and practice , I do see smurfs fighting me there and how that smurfing destroying me made my smurfing decision more strong , this guy smurfing and destroying low tiers with his strong pick like taka for example , while me picking my weakest picks , there is no comparison between us , and I expect people going to pick their best picks in the high tiers and Iam not going to practice lane against someone playing his one trick laner .

So that taka example is what very high tier do , they go in destroy low tiers and get high MMR because this is the way they designed matchmaking as surprise birthday said in the dev stream that they have the tools to see the CS and kills and their system say (wait a minute you are not new you are a smurf take this high MMR go up) so the way they made this is making high tier smurf destroy the low tier experience with high kills but at the same time the smurf intention is going high fast without hurting many people .

In the other hand my way of smurfing could hurt many people because I could lose and stay in low tiers practicing , so I could try hard , or just caring about my practice and ignoring elo , so I have the ability to carry my team but Iam not trying hard so Iam hurting my teammates , and if Iam trying hard Iam hurting the enemy .

I don’t know if it’s a language barrier of some sort, but I have absolutely no clue what you’re trying to say here.

We all agree that smurfing hurts the game , but the point of smurfing is to practice new heroes and new builds , so my goal of smurfing is to practice lane for example , while someone like hundor for example he is going to fight smurfs anyway in his main account , so high tier players rather fighting others as a smurf than fighting other smurfs , and that was the case before matchmaking decides to match high tiers with lower tiers to balance matchmaking in the very high tier MM , so they got a point to smurf , they not trying hard and practicing newer heroes or builds without getting frustrated about losing elo or losing in their mains .

Let’s just say it’s something allowed and why not trying it , even the Devs aware of it and they are allowing it , if it really hurts the game I think the Devs would banned the smurfs , they know I have a smurf and they know Leon have 20 smurfs .

I disagree. Practice is what casual is for. If I want to learn a new hero or role, I’m not gonna create a new account just to do so, I’ll play casual. That way, you don’t ruin the game for newer and less skilled players, and you can actually get good practice against players at your level, not just wreck everyone, decide you can play the hero, and then get destroyed on your actual account.

But then SEMC went and removed 3v3 casual and I’m still pissed off. It’s completely ruined the game for me, but that’s a completely different point.


Casual is terrible. Playing casual you won’t get good enough with that hero to use it at a certain level ranked requires. Casual is more one sided that 2016 worlds finals of TSM vs Armada.

I beg to differ. Sure, you may get more instalockers and end up with triple lane comps but you can still learn the playstyle of a hero, how to use their abilities etc. And if you really want a proper comp, you can always team up (provided you have friends I suppose). Either way, it’s better than trying to practice on a smurf account, which was kinda my point here.

That’s not the problem, the problem is that almost never you play against people of your tier in casual.

Same could be said about bots, and realistically, how many people practice heroes on bots to later on use them in ranked?

Completely agree. This shows one thing: there is no good mode to practice, specially for 3v3 :slight_smile:
This end up with people practicing heroes in ranked, which more times than not doesn’t end well for their team.

Okay, so reading over the posts here, it’s pretty clear that no one has been able to argue that the existence of smurf accounts benefits the game. (Lots of people are arguing that it benefits certain players, but that’s NOT the point of the discussion, in reality. Cheating (such as account sharing) also could benefit a player but would clearly be detrimental to the game.)

So, I’ll ask again: is smurfing a positive thing for Vainglory, or does it have a negative effect on the game as a whole?

Negative. I still don’t buy that it even has a positive effect on high tier players. One thing I think it contributes negatively to the game that we haven’t touched upon is this: the furtherance of elitism in VG and MOBA.

To play a Smurf to hope to have better competition is such a weak argument. It’s just a bad argument, sorry. It’s so entitled. You work to be in the top 1 or .1%, and expect to only be matched against others in that extremely small pool of players? Get off your high horse! Holy smokes.

You don’t want to carry a game? You don’t want to be matched with lower elos? Then don’t rank. Don’t. Don’t bother to climb to the top to be disappointed that atop the pyramid there’s room for only so few. You’re going to have to play against worse players. Get over it.

This is an assumption, I get it, but I’d be hard pressed to be proven otherwise. Super high elo players make Smurfs for ego boosts. They like to crush kids. It makes them feel cool. Sorry, just how I feel.


You knew I had to answer. I’ve already say it but I will repeat it.
Certain smurfs, aka god tier players, do benefit the game, as the amount of matches they destroy are less with the smurf than with the main account.

I have the feeling this is an unpopular opinion, but I’m prepare to be killed. Just before anyone decides to quote me: we probably won’t end the discussion with an agreement.

THIS. (times \infty)

Agree with the rest of your post wholeheartedly also.

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If you can provide quantifiable proof of this (good luck, rip API lol), then maybe. I’d argue they destroy JUST as many games with their main as they would on their Smurf. Sorry, I think that’s a weak argument too.


If we are going to play with proofs, prove me wrong with quantifiable proofs. It can be a weak argument, but your argument isn’t very strong either, punishing people for being good and climbing the ladder, which at the core a MOBA is for climbing the ladder, is not a good excuse to give a terrible experience.

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This is just nonsensical. It’s not a punishment for reaching the top of the ladder, it’s simply the end result of being better than everyone else: you will always have to play weaker opponents if you’re the best.

You keep shooting holes in your own arguments.

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This discussion isn’t really going anywhere, btw. If you have anything to add (and I don’t mean the same thing you’ve said multiple times before), do it soon.