Should semc buff slow heroes or make new boots?

Example, I think there should be a tier 3 boots that gives big move speed almost sprinting speed. but has no activate and lessens crowd control effects by like %10. basically we need some kind of boots for slow roams like phinn. what do you guys think? should there be a new type of boots or should SEMC just buff slow movement speed heroes?


How about both? We need slowpokes to be able to join a fight before it is over. Make a seperate boot path without health and just base speed.


I think there should be a boot type that does improve movement speed more than Journey boots however it could cause some serious balancing issues.
Ex: Backdooring just got 10x easier since if an already fast hero (or one with movement ability) bought the boots no one is going to catch them even after they use activatable.

I think it would be better not to add a debuff to those boots but instead add circumstances that way it prevents the backdooring problem and other problems caused by a high amount of speed and does not detriment your build.
“Combatant Boots” (Not Activatable):
When in combat gain an outrageous boost to movement speed, 3 seconds outside of combat speed returns to heroes original speed (Does not stack with other boots)
+‘x’ Movement Speed
+‘x’ Health

‘Noncombatant Boots’ (Activatable):
When outside of combat gain a large increase to hero speed, 3 second inside combat removes the speed buff.
Can be activated for a quick burst of speed
Getting attacked by an opponent lowers the activatable cooldown by 2 Seconds
+‘x’ Movement Speed outside of Combat
+‘x’ Health


They should just buff the slow heroes, ie Baron and Phinn movement speed. Or the already fast heroes will abuse the item.


Yeah Phinn and CW need some buffs. However, for Baron I just think WP needs a buff or something. CP is VERY strong rn

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Add Skaarf to that list and you have a deal.

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Skaarf is already rlly good tho and he has a strong slow

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His slow was hard nerfed. It was 60/45 and got nerfed to 30/15. That is Goop base/ignited. He is super team dependent because he lacks an escape or hard CC. His Spitfire is easily body blocked. He is an early game 1v1 hero with great turret taking abilities. The problem is he can’t really split push because he will get caught. The ideal solution would be to improve his Ult. The other solution is just lean into his perk by raising his base move speed from 3.3 to 3.4 like Baptist. Skaarf was one of the only heroes who didn’t get a range increase and is still at 5.5.


They should just lower the cool down of teleport boots…

What about a tier 3 boots, that’s active is roughly League’s Flash summoner spell?
This basically would let you jump a short distance, instantly, and through walls, and doesn’t have a large cooldown.
Sparkjump Boots or Warpflash Boots, or something.
The speed wouldn’t be as great as Journey boots, but involves a chronograph in it’s build.
It would be great for heroes with slow speed who can’t move out of enemy skillshots, and getting just into or out of range of something, or giving heroes with less mobility options the ability to backdoor or jump over walls.
Think of SAW having full stacks, and dodging a Skaarf’s Spitfire.

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This. Great idea for slower heroes. This is a really good question. They already raised the speed for a lot of heroes, but warp boots, maybe with no speed boost, just armor and shield like the currretlnt teleport boots, and a short teleport to any position in a range, would be cool. It could be a little overwhelming though. It’s built into his kit, but this idea makes me think Reza’s B, and that thing is beast. I can only imagine someone with dashes getting a 3rd or 4th teleport.