Setting Goals and Improving

Content archived from the Original Vainglory forums - originally posted by Vorv on the 26th of September, 2016 archived by @DIMTI

Copy paste from website drafts. Message if interested in writing.

Chapter 1 Setting goals

Setting goals are one of the best ways to improve at just about anything. This can be applied to games as much as it can be applied to academics or sports.

It’s important to not set goals too lofty for oneself. Setting a goal to become the best VG player in the world, for example is terrible for a large amount of reasons.

Before going out to improve in the first place, you must accept that you need to improve. If you already have an attitude of “I already play perfect in my games, it’s my teammates holding me back” then you won’t make progress anytime soon. Honesty is vital for improvement.

How to set a goal

Using the smart method (MindTools | Home) is a great way to attain success in your goals as improving as a player:

S- Specific

M- Measurable

A- Attainable

R- Relevant

T- Time Bound
A Specific goal is clear. This contains the Who, What, When, Where, and Whys.

A Measurable goal contains tracking your progress. If your goals aren’t measurable, you have no way of truly knowing as to whether or not you are truly improving. A good example of a Measurable goal is “I want to increase my VST by 100.”

An Attainable goal is a goal that is reasonable, but requires some sort of effort on your end to accomplish.

A Relevant goal is one that means to you. Saying you want to get better at Badminton, for example, is not a relevant goal if you don’t give a damn about Badminton.

A Time Bound goal is self-explanatory. This is a goal with timeframes attached to them.

Lets convert our terrible goal in the beginning of this page, by adding each and every step above one by one.

“I want to be the best VG player ever!!!”

“I achieved an ELO of 1800 last season. This month I am shooting for 1900. I am looking to invest in an actual coach to help aid my improvement, and I will start to play with a competitive team to learn the ropes of high tier play.”

Applying it

Vorv wants to gain 200 VST ELO. Vorv plays 1 Ranked match per weekday due to school. On the weekends he plays sporadically, anywhere from 1 to 10 games per day. Vorv will create a better, more consistent schedule for play. Vorv will also review professional VG matches to learn better techniques for the heroes he owns. He will play any role required for his team’s success. Vorv will not rage after a bad game. He will accommodate shorter, more simple goals if his plan is achieved. He will re-evaluate these goals to see as to whether or not he will make his self-set deadline.

Chapter 2 real practice

Playing some games every now and then does not necessarily make you a good player. No pro player right now got to Vainglory Worlds or Evil Eight by only playing a game or two per day. Granted, a lot of these pro players have natural gifted talent, like simple dexterity, or they have something much larger, like the ability to map out things real time, allowing for better plays. But the best players are the ones that work hard every day to hone their skills, whether it be through studying or practicing.

Playing vs Studying


Whenever I myself pick up a new game, I always want to find out more about it. The ins and outs, the pro teams, all that kind of stuff. Reading is one of the best ways to improve.

At least once a week, you should read one article or guide on some resource website related to VG. There are plenty of them out there. Even non-related content like League of Legends or Overwatch provide useful theories behind strategizing and self-discipline. While these outlets are more professional in their writing, I simply cannot say that I know more about Glaive than CulltheMeek.

You should take notes on key concepts or theories that you learn when studying, and read notes about the heroes you play before you play them. I myself look at a map of the terrain I can dash through as Vox when playing him. I like to think that it gives me an advantage over players who do not use these things to their advantage.

Watching competitive matches are also a great way to self-improve.

These extra hours you spend each week will save you hours of practice in the long run.


It’s almost impossible to use time spent as a proper way to judge the amount of practice your getting. An hour a day for most things is reasonable enough, but an hour of Vainglory a day only allows for 1 to 2 games in a single session. Even then, a lot of that time is spent walking, or doing your typical mindless things, like circling around that first turret.

Every time you sit down to play Vainglory, you should commit to at least 3 games. If you have the time, try 3 GOOD games. Im not talking about those games where you got the win handed to you after draft. Im talking about those games where you look at the score board and realize you are absolutely killing it in CS.

The reason why you want to play several games is due to the fact that psychologically, it is easier to reflect upon multiple things. This allows you to compare and differentiate the good and the bad in between all the games you play, and allows you to continue to meet or exceed the performance set in the best game of that 3,

Guide improved as time goes on
If you have your own tips for self-improvement, share them plox.

By @Magmaw

Magmaw said: ↑
I would say you don’t have to be necessarily killing it in CS, depends on your role. I have found it most effective to either aim for a perfect game (no mistakes you know of) or a really hard game. Both will require some serious attention if taken seriously. Recording yourself and viewing later can help remove the biases in judgement. That being said, not everyone can do this, many assume to the end that nothing was really their fault.
Decent basis for starting a budgeting guide too

[9/22/2016] posted

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