SEMC should hire a balancing team

And I thought Americans love the freedom of thoughts and speech.

I was replying to that part specifically. Iā€™ll hear you out first before saying if itā€™s a good or bad idea, what are you gonna change about talents then?

This I will post a seperate thread about.

Give a quick brief here at least, youā€™ve already touched on it here may as well share some details

1st most important things: now it will no longer be P2W and it will be implimented in 5v5

Impossible to do too much money has been spent on talents. You would have to reset all talents offfer a refund somehow and even than you would lose all of the brawl whales


Like lamcou?? :haha:

The Broken Myth balance notes gives a fair bit of insight and is likely to continue to do so since the people involved in that are phase 1 testers and have typically discussed changes that are being made with the balance team.

The decision to move away from explanatory balance notes is because apparently:

  1. Their usage data suggests few players read the full notes
  2. Having full notes means length translation processes which delay the publication of the notes.

Iā€™m broadly supportive of the change - given that it does mean we get balance changes much sooner, though I do miss Zekentā€™s commentary.


No please just no. I cannot see how this will help, or how it is functionally different from the earlier suggestion of just having different balances for 5v5 and 3v3.


I wish there was an actual in-depth discussion about the why behind patch notes, with discussion about possible and hopeful impact. Broken Myth, although informative, isnā€™t enough.

Iā€™m supportive of the change, and I donā€™t mind there not explanatory balance notes but someone somewhere should have some intense analysis, because thatā€™s something I would definitely read.

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Iā€™m one of those who read the whole thing, itā€™s a shame, I will miss Zekentā€™s commentary. Perhaps they could do a dev stream where they discuss the patch notes and the intent behind the changes?


Unfortunately, thatā€™s not really the same as coming directly from the horseā€™s mouth, as it were.

I really canā€™t think of another game of this sort where major changes are made without any sort of explanation from the developer. I guess I shouldnā€™t be surprised, as SEMCā€™s lack of communication skills is legendary by now, but I donā€™t see it as anything other than yet another example of them being unwilling to put in the effort to do something properly.


Iā€™d love them to bring back dev streams to do this to be honest.


Lance? He canā€™t survive lol, what people do (even the pros) is just focus him to take him out quickly (and they did it, Lance didnā€™t even survive more than 5s), right now he feels like a backline support, but he needs to go in the middle of the combat to apply all this cc.

It will make balancing simpler. Balancing will be based on 3v3 and the Talents here are like buffs at 2.12 for the heroes to make the transition between 3v3 to 5v5

Put in a word the next time you talk to them? :smile:

I quite like peanut butter Lance. His playstyle has always been about smart transition from early aggression to mid/late-game team utility, which I think fits 5v5 match progression very well. But youā€™re right, he canā€™t survive in the middle of a full squad teamfight in the late game, unless heā€™s done his part to roam, lock-down laners, and give his team an early advantage. This way, his tankiness scales to match the reduced damage output of a stunted enemy team. Granted, Iā€™m playing below T9, so this might not sync up with the top-level meta, but I think heā€™s slightly underrated.


How his kit works, he needs to completely render the enemy with roots and stuns, the problem for that is that he needs to dive, and right now, unless you can dive root + stun + reposition yourself to use the GW against the most enemies possible + get out of combat in less than 5s, you are dead, which is what happened when he was used in competitive play: the enemy focused him so he was out of combat, when a team decides to focus a roam who is supposed to tank instead of whatever jungler/carry is next to them means that this supposed tanky roam itā€™s not tanky enough, but lance canā€™t do anything, he is not a backline support, he is a tank/disruptor who needs to be in combat. Why would you pick a tank that canā€™t tank? What SEMC said was that he has damage reduction and all this, while this is true, itā€™s not realistic, you are not going to have the maximum damage reduction as cp is not viable in lance, you are not going to be always with the active damage reduction of GW or even the passive as using abilities cancels it, so realistically, he is not able to use that damage reduction that is supposed to make him tanky, and due to it, he is not tanky enough for a melee roam. Before the health changes, he had the second highest health pool of all the game (1Āŗ in based health) and it was for a reason, right now he has one of the lowest from all the roams, similar even to some warriors, which made him worse. All this plus the nerfs to defense.

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Idmonfish I was a pro player for a short period but Team Horizon got to Semi-Finals in VGL. =) God that was a long time ago. I am no Foojee though. Thats for sure lol. All the above people give feedback though.

(Only game I could find of my short time as a pro lol)


Hmm I believe I answered you on how balanced the game is on another thread. Sorry I am getting to these late. If you would like me to pull the answer from there. I would be more than happy to. =D