Rona is too much for me

Ronas B has a slow. So she technically has CC. Just like Vox has with pulse…

her A has slow, her B on the other hand is a twopart buff

This is a joke… Not every hero can counter each other, and if you’re really having that much difficulty playing with teammates who don’t know how to rotate lanes, then buddy up with a Lyra so she can babysit you.

Looks like i trigger a loot people :slight_smile: u have rigt guys.

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Because you judge a nerf from a single game and heroes matchup + maybe diff skill of the players. For me it’s overextending what you did and for what you died. Yes, rona is good in lane, ok in jungle too, but not THAT strong. Small nerf is maybe ok, but it’s really tricky as it will most likely make her weak = not played at all.


Apparently she has 2nd win rate, 6th pick rate so I do think she is THAT strong. I have no trouble kitting against Rona since my mains are Skye and Malene but it’s annoying to see every Ronas win their lane and I have to rotate every time just to keep her from snowballing

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I’m not triggered don’t worry haha. It’s just that it sounded ridiculous as you literally suggested removing 80% of Rona’s kit. And I don’t think they should ever do that again like with Bf.


removing any part of a kit is a sign that any developer can’t balance or that the hero kit was a mistake itself, im still triggered about the bf kit change ;-;


Yeah, agreed. Especially in the Bf case they are destroying his chase potential and that was his specialty so they completely changed the hero. And even aside from what you said it’s just completely unfair and annoying to people who like the hero.

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nerf her but do not destroy her. one victim named blackfeather is enough


True i just mentioned vox couse i feel like he is the one who should be able to kill rona because I can’t find other ranged lanener besides marline who can win early game against her. Myb is her lvl scaling to strong.

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You spell my main wrong
Now I’m actually triggered

good thing this is the new forums where mispelling malene is no longer a meme


Skye can defeat her in early too.

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yes remove everything and make her blackfeather part 2


Maelene?? Maleen ?? Mayleene?


Marlen? This text will be blurred

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Marlul, Madona, Melon, Malina, youre welcome