Rona Discussion

When people start with those “tactics”… I find it really entertaining that you as rona that should tank dmg in the front line while your bot/mid deals the dmg, you stay “hiding” in the backs and waiting for “free kills” (someone else did the most dmg and you just get the bounty (the best part, as I think it’s safe to say that the bot/mid that do the dmg needs that more than you) and the stats). Can go on and on about the other parts of your post, but if you play like that in t10 - you play it wrong (in the meaning of: to win and not get your teammates angry and for a good reason angry).

Not that picking rona in t10 is a good pick as start. :slight_smile:

Also rona was exactly a bruiser in 3vs3, but won’t start a discussion about that as it’s entirely diff topic for different mode/times.


Lol don’t misunderstand me. I don’t mean I’m literally one of those people that sits back the whole time. I dart in with my A and B to get a few hits off if I can, then leave. And I don’t usually wait for someone else to do the most damage either, I actually usually do the most dmg, but I might wait until the enemy is chipped down just enough that one good combo can take them down without me getting hurt too bad, or wait until they’re between abilities. I don’t wait for free kills. I don’t sit there and just tank damage either because Rona has no damage reduction neither does she have a large enough health pool or high enough base defenses to do so.

Also @VaKTaBi when I said historically I meant historically, meaning in the past when she was considered great or op, which was usually when people were running crit builds and att speed.

Generally speaking I think all fortified health heroes suffer more than their damage reduction counterparts, not to mention rona only gets fort health from her ult, where someone like reim gets it more often. It’s why heroes like grump, reim, wp grace, wp lance, even joule, can actually bruise. I think her problem is one, that she should actually have even more base health, and two that fort health should be slightly more impactful in general. Not to say it’s not in an ok spot generally now.

Side note: I almost always play casual games now so idk what ranks I’m playing against.

And also @cha0z funny you mention the waiting for kills. I just had a guy accuse me of that the other day while he rushed headlong into 1v3s and refused to wait for either me or the other teamate to teamfight. Funniest part was the end of a match where he got down to a sliver of health because of just that, but chipped an enemy down to 3/4th health. I ran in, after respawn, finished that enemy off, got a double kill, told him his attitude was toxic and banned him. Mind you i think i got the most kills and someone other than him got the most assists. Tells you something.

Rona was the strongest when she was unlikable and stacking BP stacks like no tomorrow: SM BP SS. :slight_smile:

As for how you play, this is up to you and I won’t comment further nor you need to explain it. In t10 what you do is insta lose as they will focus your carries and kill them while you decide when to go in and out. Hey, you will have great stats tho. :slight_smile:

Edit: I am just commenting on what you said, didn’t play with/against you and dunno what relation my comment carry to your experience in that game with that player.

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Well yeah that’s when she was strongest but she still wasn’t played like a bruiser. I can’t call that bruising. She was just…unkillable lol. That wasn’t even a playstyle, it was just broken. The same way wp lance was a little while ago.

Also if someone focuses my carry I just focus them and let my carry retreat. Usually when they decide to try to focus my carry is exactly when I jump in lol.

Do you even know the difference between an assassin and a bruiser? She was killable and not broken, but surely OP/S tier and totally a bruiser. :slight_smile:


Well I thought you were talking about a specific time when she was doing so much dmg and gaining so much health that she was basically unkillable if she hopped on your team, and all she had to do was literally chase you and AA or spin you and you died no matter what you did because you couldn’t outdamage her in time or escape her leaping onto you . I forget what patch this was exactly but it was a while ago. It’s not like that anymore. I forget if the defense items were stronger then too or if she had better defense or fort health or what but she was nearly unkillable then. I mean ganking a whole team while under turret fire unkillable. Then still destroying the turret.

At that time only ranged cp heroes did well against her, even krul got smacked down half the time unless snowballed.

I play the game from VG release on android and I played quite a lot of rona. You are starting to change the direction of the topic to a specific cases and subjective things, i.e. skill. Yes, if you take a really good player using OP/s-tier hero, you will not kill him and die like no tomorrow. I am telling you where she was and what she was (a bruiser, a really strong one in her best times).

“I mean ganking a whole team while under turret fire unkillable. Then still destroying the turret.”
Would love to show me a video of that in a fair match and full HP team/turret and competent players that does not stay in rona’s ult - all 3 of them. This is another subjective example.

Stopping to discuss that here as you have your own opinion about her and that’s fine, I just expressed mine.


This is not historically. Historically Rona has been build with SM BP SS, other thing is that at certain points her build changed.

Reim can hardly bruise.

It’s bruising: sustaining and dealing damage is bruising.
What you said is like: instakilling is not bursting, is just instakill.

Fair warning: all these Rona posts are about to get moved to a new topic :unamused:

No that not the build. It was :vgitem_serpentmask: :vgitem_breakingpoint: :vgitem_bonesaw:. Atleast in NA.

Shiver steel was useless until it got reworked (around 5v5 release) and then it started to appear in melee builds

Meh, I wan’t being particular. There was a time with Rona when you didn’t have to try much with her, just build items and that was that: she wasn’t dying unless she just sat there under turret like raid boss phinn. As for the staying in rona’s ult thing, that’s the thing: she was so strong she could kill about 1-2 with the ult and then a leap back onto another enemy and by that time she’d be doing so much dmg you’d be dead. I think she may have had lower cooldowns back then too.

Also yeah I’m talking super long time ago before 5v5 and before SS got brought back to relevancy.

Anyway, I think the important thing is she’d be more effective if she actually had some sustain or damage reduction and not just fort health. Also I personally can bruise with reim but that’s because of how I build and play him. He too should be able to bruise but falls into the same issue with fort health. The only problem with fixing fort health though is it screws items like SH.

Since its a discussion about rona and you said

Look at this.

Her ORIGINAL and UNTOUCHED kit had Brusier aspects integrated already but it seems that they were removed over the course of time and SEMC made her more damaging at the cost of her natural (as in kit) defense.

Edit: Also pictures are from 1.8. The 2nd patch after Rona was released.

After thought edit: A health barrier?!? YES. Idk about the Armor for her ult though. Seems it would be useless in 4.3 Energy conversion seems nice for her CP path.

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Yep. Its more impactful and a good change. :+1:

Exactly. If she got barriers or something instead of just fort health it would be more effective. Fort health in general is strong but the problem is it’s not effective unless you get a good enough amount of it. She doesn’t get quite enough and she only gets it through her ult.

As for your statement @VaKTaBi Are you assuming that only low tiers ever play casual? Because that would be a strange assumption to make. Along with the assumption that even though I consistently do well with reim, everyone else I play sucks. Lol.

Look everyone tells me this the same way everyone tells me petal is potato and yet i still spank with both of them. Consistently. In fact I purposefully pick petal nowadays just because of the psychological effect of enemies targetting me first all game, thinking I’m weak, while my less skilled teamates get free snowball, and by late game when I start spanking with my aftershock procs and capacitor plate boosted heals, the enemy just gives up and I get to taunt :rofl: I’m not gonna go down this road in a thread again. Your opinion is fine to have.

Because @VaKTaBi is mentioning reim stomping in low tiers because I’m low tier since I usually don’t play ranked even though I have years of experience. A.K.A. Because I can do well with reim in casual modes, it means I have never experienced a good player in casual.

Would you like to play me? It’s the best way to settle this discussion. Otherwise lets just have our respective opinions. I have played with @Lebatron and @hazeleyes and they could, if they chose to do so, tell you exactly how skilled I am. I assume you’re in eu due to your post but if you have an NA smurf I can show you how effective petal can be if you have the right items on her.

@Guest_78 I agree with you with having both on her probably being dangerous. I think just having more fort health would be better for her.

Okay, folks, this is starting to get too personal …

I think it might be a good time for you all to go read one of the #rwby threads instead :wink:

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