Reim still trash

But what defines melee?
Is Reim melee because his basics are melee?
Melee can have quite a big action range… There are melees with more range than certain ranged heroes…

Example? I don’t think there is anyone like that.

If melees have more ranged than ranged heroes then they aren’t melee lol. Blackfeather was a hypercarry in 3s (and still sorta is), but in 5s he’s basically a really bad bruiser. And yeah Reim is melee because his basic attacks are melee.

If he is being used as a poke mage, he’s being used the wrong way. With Reim there’s only one playstyle. Go in and tank. Heroes like that generally don’t receive much play (having one playstyle). Like look at Vox. He has at least two playstyles, other’s being niche ones, but the two main ones are kite or dive. It’s become evident though that kite has become the most superior playstyle because I can’t remember the last time I saw someone playing Vox doing a good Ult and going balls deep. That’s why he went from a whopping 61% pick rate (if I remember this correctly from a while back) to a 56% which is still pretty high.

The second part is off topic to what you mentioned but at this point I’m pretty sure he needs a rework. Another hero who is rather strong is Joule, but people don’t like to play her because pros don’t. I’ve become fairly addicted to WP Joule top and Utility Lance top (got 52k damage which was only 6k away from our mid laner!). I really hope balance team comes around to Reim because I can’t remember the last time he was a top tier pick without being ban worthy…


Papi Baptiste also is mid range mage with melee attacks.

Reim can be played as a poker for sure. You only run in when you can nail your target down. At Lvl 8 I outpoke heroes like Vox and Kestrel through positioning. Once a target is a bit lower in HP you can dive in.

Poke Reim with Spellfire can be very nasty.

Also 52k damage as top lane? I have had 77k as cath utility

Reim doesn’t suck. Unless you’re trying to kill with him. He’s more of a beat the enemy until they have to run and let someone else finish it kinda hero. If you’re trying to secure kills rather than do+soak dmg for someone else to finish, you’re not playing him to his strengths. Yes he can stick to people if you play him right but one mis-step and most enemies will evade you. The best thing to do with reim is just beat up enemies enough and let your allies close it. Save your ult for beginning team engagements or trying to secure contested objectives. Little point in using it on running enemies unless you’re sure they’re gonna die from the ult or that they don’t have a dash or something to get away after the stun. Build him to sustain rather than dmg and just out-last people. If you build him for outright dmg you’re usually not going to see as much success.

It’s the same reason why people often lose with Petal.

Also Reim is a melee hero because none of his abilities are reliable damagers at range, as opposed to Baptiste, whose A is faster and isn’t a 2 stage attack.

And? He doesn’t have longer range than some ranged heroes as you said.

I appreciate the specifics of this demand