Quickcast yes or no?

Should the devs put something similar in place to make the game smoother or do you guys think its okay the way its is?
For everyone that dosent know what quickcast is :


I’ve only ever played VG on my phone, and I don’t actually play any other MOBAs, so I don’t know what Quickcast is… could you explain it a bit? Is it something all devices could make use of?

well it would only benefit the pc players as quick cast is best used when u press a key on your keyboard and hoover over your target with a mouse . its baisicly an autmomated cast system (sorry for my bad english)

also heres the link for a game that used quickcast successfuly

This will tilt the “balance” too much towards the PC players over mobile. imho


VG already has that actually. Just very well hidden which SEMC needs to work on. I think it os in preferences, but I gotta double check

EDIT: Yeah it shows up when you enable smart cast in control scheme


I don’t play PC much, but this already exists no?