Please reduce Kraken strenght in new Rumble perma mode

I have been playing for 2-3 years and love the game and it’s mixed modes.

I was saddened that Aral was removed, my fave gameplay, but understand.

However, in the new rumble mode, the kraken is way too buffed. On 3 occasions this morning, an inferior team (mine or the enemy) was clearly losing but managed to release the first Kraken via last hit. The Kraken went on to clear every turret and the crystal.

I get the kraken should turn the tide, but not do a complete 180. And no, it’s not an issue of “learn to play” as the losing team clearly had a better handle on their roles.

I simply don’t think a single Kraken release should ensure victory in a game mode so easily,


Utterly agree with this. She’s still way too strong, even though they supposedly decreased her HP in 4.0 …


they should’ve just used 5v5 map for this.

But… Rumble, on the Rise, is just 5v5 casual…


oh wait… lol I don’t know what I was thinking or if I was thinking anything at all when typing that.

but the map is just not big enough to do a 5v5 matchup.
I played against a team of 2 with fortress baron comp and that was just a complete mess to deal with.
how do you even go against that?
this will end up getting more frustrating than BR with talent.

Edit : they can do some tweaking with 5v5 to make it more fast tho.

Helga’s health is different in 3v3 and rumble. In rumble she was adjusted to absorb the damage of 5 heroes. That’s her enraged form.

Regardless, she’s way too strong in Rumble, imo.

Haven’t played it yet, yesterday’s the update dropped when I was going to sleep and didn’t have time to try all modes (plus I tried to play it and as people still didn’t have the update I wasted 5 mins waiting). Will try it as soon as possible. I do think though that she is too strong from my experience in the last event.

She has a buffed movement speed in Rumble, but that’s fair enough cause there’s more heroes. On the other hand, she’s a bit too strong in general.

I’m assuming you say this because there’s so many bugs at this point we don’t know what’s real and what’s not?


Add salt on the wound, stormcrown was nerfed! So easy capture still, but very hard to kill lmao.

I can only offer a few solutions.

-Have 3 turrets

  • 2+ WP heroes
  • bonesaw/tensionbow/stormcrown
    -scout mines.

Scout mines seems dumb, but they do max health damage. If you get 1 mine to detonate on kraken, it’ll do decent chunk of damage.

Good Luck!


AS is a waste, its capped in terms of damage against non heroes.

Yeah, so after a few dozen rumble matches, I really do not enjoy the game mode.

After almost 3 years of playing, I’m thinking I’ll find another game as ARAL was the one mode I kept going back to. I’ll check back in a few months and see if something has changed


It’s a very hit or miss mode, it seems. I’ve played a lot of it over the last few days (like you, I played ARAL a lot prior to its disappearance), and I have had a few great matches sprinkled among a lot of really terribly one-sided matches.

It needs tuning, for sure. The Kraken is a big issue – she’s still way too fast, I feel.

I wish they’d made ARAM the new permanent brawl mode, as I found that one much more fun than Rumble. Perhaps they’ll change it in the next update.


I imagine that it will be more-or-less dead within a few weeks. Rumble is good for variety and in small doses, but it’s just a giant snowball from start to finish.

Very OP in this mode.

Definitely should only be able to take out a couple of turrets before going down at least.

Maybe the issue would be that game lengths may continue if there isn’t something to turn the tide.

I’m more annoyed about the gold miner giving 1000 gold to every hero. I would say that is more valuable and game controlling than the Kraken.

I too am very salty they decided to ditch the ARAL mode… im pretty much devestated

I wish we could go back to the good old days where sc used to be 100 damage per 3 second
No wait evveeen more back when it used to be based on your gold 30 base + 1 damage per 50 gold (max 300) diamond very 2 seconds

I personally LOVE rumble. Perhaps I’ve just been lucky. I’ve had some amazing back and forth games. With good team play, my teams have been able to take down the kraken losing only 2 turrets. If you have two turrets left, you have a shot. Less than 2, then I agree it is game over.

It doesn’t bother me much… Yet. You could either reduce it’s speed and keep it’s buffed damage up, or reduce damage and keep speed up. To play devil’s advocate, it certainly helps keep the game within that 10 minute timeline, which I believe is a goal of SEMC with this game mode.

I’ve played all rumble and just two blitz matches this season so far. I’m having fun. :sweat_smile: