This is so funny. So I went into a 5v5 casual with the sole purpose of trying joystick controls and goofing off. I just picked CPVox, and I had a WP Skye on my team. Our Celeste pretended to AFK at some point, our Kensei had no clue what he was doing, and I was just goofing off. We lost big time, and I was just trying to figure out wether or not the Joystick controls were helpful or not. I see that my WP Skye FQ me, so I hit yes. He than just starts repeating “ur so bad” and “you are ****”. I just start saying it was just a casual and that I was goofing off and checking out joystick, while he just keeps repeating himself like a youtube vine stuck on loop. That’s when he starts saying I played exactly like my tier (T6 aka ELO hell) and I remind him how I was goofing off. He than says he never wants to see players like me again, and I tell him that he is T10, and most likely won’t. I than proceed to just try and make him laugh it off, when he says , and I quote, “bye bye bitch :)”, and that it was an honor for me to be on his friends list for the 5 minutes I was on it. I say cya and he deletes me. I don’t want to put this under Salt Mine, as I just thought it was funny, but I think it does belong here. Anyway, it’s amazing how people tryhard even casuals. It’s really kinda funny and stupid at the same time.
EDIT: Also he was saying that he was happier to have ended up with the AFK Celeste.