Onslaught still alive?

I only play Onslaught on the first day its released. After that I think that Onslaught is weird to play. So i dont care it will be removed.

I never touch onslaught
Not even once, so it’s not permanent?

well onslaught has op heroes aka heroes that do super well if you can’t move.
The thing that made it bad was the pile of noobs that thought sc in onslaught was a good idea.

actually, the worst problem is the lack of a communication.
you have to be on the same page with “not buying the first round” or it wont work.

and everytime i play, all my teammates use all their rare talents in the first round. such a waste.

That goes with pretty much every aspect of the in-game experience though, doesn’t it? Ie. Draft comms, Lack of a “Focus hero” comm, etc.

Won’t lie, I’ve not tried Onslaught once.

Damn, I forgot that it was seasonal. Sure it’s a little rough around the edges but I think it’s a really fun mode. I play it a lot with friends so I hope it returns soon after it’s leave.

but in the 3v3, there is a base line of what you can expect from Players. unless you Play with new ones, everyone knows how to do a Support (at least the Basics, even if they dont want to do it), lane last hitting etc…
in onslaught, there is no consesus at all.
i think it would be the best startegy for everyone to simply not buy anything and not use any Talents in the first round. afterwards, you will have a ton of Gold to really start packing a Punch, but i think most Players dont even realize that they get a 50% Bonus Gold on their unspend Gold. they use it all up in every round. thats the equivalent of not using the jungle shop at all in the 3v3. its just bad.

I don’t even know there’s onslaught mode
Its tab hidden in the right, nobody will notice that there’s another mode beside br and blitz.
They’ll delet onslaught in 3.0 anw.