Nullwave - Useful or Potato?

There was 1 time I bought Nullwave on Lyra but forgetting to use it every fights. We were losing every team fight because enemy’s Varya was so strong but the last one I was able to silence their stupidly fed Varya’s Aegis as she got stuck in my Bulwark for a good 2 sec and we somehow killed her first and made a comeback

Exactly this, was playing lyra and I looked down to drop my fount only to find i’d beeen silenced, first thought was bloody bug, second thought was holy shit he bought a nulllwave. Took my totally by suprise, they won two team fights of the back of that item (I subsequently bought one myself and dropped mine before he could drop his). Even when I knew he had it if your not used to the effects etc it’s not always easy to block.

I feel like it just gets outshined by a lot of other items because simply put: it is a bait item. The item itself isn’t that bad and to be honest I never see it coming because the light that goes across the screen just looks so good. You use it on the captain to bait their Crucible and pop your Ult. Obviously this item is not only a bait item but also very situational. Why would you use Nullwave Gauntlet on Lyra? She doesn’t have an AoE CC ability so you wouldn’t. Nullwave Gauntlet is perfect on the other hand on Catherine. SHE PRACTICALLY WEARS ONE ON HER SPLASHART. You use it on the enemy captain to bait crucible if you didn’t bait the crucible then just ult and go in. If you did then ult and go in. The item is depicted as relieving the captain of any mind games. But there is something else that becomes pretty obvious: you need coordination.

So now tell me (in a SoloQ environment) would you use Nullwave Gauntlet? It is a bait item, situational item, and an item that needs coordination. And of course it is an all in one package. Even a Slumbering Husk can be a better alternative to Nullwave Gauntlet…

SECRET TIP: If it is super late game and you are stacked on gold, do not spam purchase infusions. Instead sell your cheapest item and buy SH then buy your cheapest item again. Its free fortified health, don’t spread the word please. :smile:

Interesting points, personally feel it’s more than just a means to drop an ult, having silenced a roam for 4 seconds means they’re unable to do anything to support there team; and a lot can be done in 4 seconds.

What would you do to make it relevant?

I am now considering it to replace stormcrown in old AS SC builds which benefit from CD…

Oh I must have not said what I meant to. I feel the same way. Dropping a good ult leads to a lot of things being done. But not every captain hero has a good ult and that is where Nullwave is just better on some heroes than others.

To make it relevant I would make it a silence with a slow that scales with enemy health or just a stun that scales with enemy health. A good nullwave and the enemy’s lack of RB skills should realistically lead to a kill. I would make the health scaling thing because if it had a set stun duration then it would become very oppressive. Maybe make it so when a nullwave is used it silences ally nullwaves as well…

Stats are fine though.

Sorry misunderstood your point I guess… understand what you mean about building it on lyra, then again you might argue lyra doesn’t have a stub so why not build an item which does the job for you?

I’d like to start using it more, I think it has potential but since I’ve never really used it before I wanted to understand what the community thought about it as an item.

Seems most think it’s decent, but hardly anyone uses it.

Lol I’m gonna mess around in casual tonight, ruin some low tier guys night by spamming it using Taka. Or even building into a non-defence CP Kestrel, using it as an escape or engage item (15% health is a lot of DMG).

Is it just me or is everyone thinking of a different thing? Nullwave silences items not abilities no?

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its too expensive (30 characters)

No it silences everything , at least it does when I’ve been hit by it!

I’m also confused about the description of the Nullwave Gauntlet. Does it only silence items or does it also silence abilities? Because I also believe it has effected abilities when i’ve been hit by it.

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It silences items only. 303030

be a gentleman and please make a video recording.

Read the description. How am I supposed to nullwave myself?

I summon the video spamming know it all: @Gatorrex

Yeah it’s odd because I’ve been totally silenced when it was last used vs me, is this a bug?

If it’s just items then I suggest they change it to a total silence would be far more relevant then.

I think it’s your mind playing tricks on you. I’ve had that happen to me when it was meta. I get hit by it and see the silenced icon with my peripheral vision and I assume I’m completely silenced even though I know what it does but still I don’t use abilities for the time being lol.

Er afaik it just silences items…don’t really know because I haven’t really seen people use it.