saw A is stab someone. saw B is shoot without moving. Saw ult is shoot big bullets.
see how simplifying a kit is bad?
anyways, i like simpler kits since smec thinks there’ll be more players, so simple heroes could hrlp them out more. not to mention when gwen was revealed people said she’s a worse ringo, yet here she is being one of the best botlaners lol
Honestly looking at the gameplay she looks super fun. Her playstyle looks very fluid and viable for both CP and WP but I do think WP will be surperior. She’s going to have burst damage on both CP and WP and have a strong kite. I’m just wondering what we should build on her, and part of that depends on if she has Mana problems, it looks like she’ll have Mana problems early game but late game she should be fine with no Mana items
Nooooo. Spellsword is such a waste of an item slot on her. Here cooldowns are enough and she needs more burst damage from crit it would complement her kit so much.
She has 6.4 Range, a Dash ability, and a ranged stun on a 12 sec cooldown. Double Spellsword (40%) will get that dash and stun to 7.2 sec, if I math correctly using new CDR. Plus her dash gives her A a 60% damage boost. She builds stacks over time by landing her A which has a 2 sec cooldown and gets a 10% AA damage boost. The travel speed of her A and C looks fast which means its reliable and both have WP scaling. She outranges Ringo, Gwen, Vox. I really like that she has two skill shots and is an AA hero. I suspect she will continue the recent trend of heroes being top tier upon release (Kensei, Malene, Tony, Lorelai).
Okay so ive played ML for like a month last year and kinetic feels DITTO like Layla(I think thats her name)
with some stacks n stuff. Both have similar A. Both have the slow. Both have pretty much same ult. And both their AAs seem to be exactly same. Boring hero. All heroes have been boring recently with the exception of malene… kinda. I feel the recent heroes are made to be played on joystick. Even from gameplay its noticeable. The way old heroes AA and the way new heroes AA are so different lol. Even the abilities of new heroes seem something like a joystick game would have. The creativity is no longer there. The last creative hero would be churnwalker. I m looking forward to heroes that can use like 2 abilities at a time for eg baptiste,skye,samuel,churnwalker,kestrel etc. Out of the 30+ old heroes, like 25 of them can use more than one ability at once. Look at the new heroes- tony,malene,kensei,varya. They are really boring to play tbh. Unlike previous heroes i have no sort of affinity or urge to learn them. I feel by adding joystick, the game is slowly becoming more joystick oriented and the complexity of heroes that can be done with touch is decreasing.
But is his kit used again on any hero in any similar fashion? I’m not talking about heroes’ kits becoming simple I’m talking about they are nothing THAT new about it.
the point is, you oversimplify the abilities and it doesn’t do her justice. her A is a skillshot projectile that adds damage to her basic attack. how is that like joule B? her B may be an empowerment, but for her ability. idris A only empowers one basic attack, no range increase no slow/stun. her ult is like caitlyn’s from league. ringo’s can’t be bodyblocked, and apparently the shot is fast.
just because an ability has some similarities with other kits doesn’t make it “boring” or “simple”. try to imagine making 5 more heroes, but none of them can have abilities with the same functionality as any other ability, all of them must be unique.
I just saw someone say they like simple kits. Well i dont.
I feel like most of the original heros already have simple kits like ringo vox gwen kestrel ect.
I want more complex heros such as skye (and ozo) with restrictions (target lock) that really do separate the average players from the best players that effectively use her.