Need help for 3v3 meta

Game 3, Vg silver cp idris wants to invade kestrel churn on the first rotation, questionable shotcalling to say the least.

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Wait what? Im talking about 3v3… I havent seen a tank krul in 5v5 for a long time.

Pulseweave TT Krul? in 3v3? No?

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I’ve seen golds that literally do not understand basic stuff about the game while having terrible mechanics as well. No idea how it can be that bad.

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don’t wanna offend anyone but there is no good player that still plays 3v3 on regular basis they’ve all migrated to 5v5 (or quit the game).

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I mean I don’t know about now. Haven’t played in like a month and 3v3 in even more. But when I did I saw some people who played both modes. Those that I was talking about are bad in 3v3 and even worse in 5v5. I was just surprised how low the value of elo has become. I know it’s never shown actual skill but it wasn’t to this extent either.


He is Bronce or am I missing something?

You said 5v5. Now I’m completely lost about what we are talking.

he was silver last season 3030

I legit typed 3v5 and it autocorrected it for me lol.

Ill take the blame and say sorry for confusing you

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How you know it? 3030303030303

loading screen after draft he had a vg silver trophy btw wp kestrel seems broken too

Nah, depending on what heroes you are using, but the top tier ones destroy her.