So I’ve played this game for 2 years straight currently sitting at 1800 wins total and i am the point where i just don’t enjoy playing vainglory anymore its just not fun i feel like i have no motivation to play it. You might think it’s normal considering how much I’ve played this game i am just getting bored of it right ? Wrong that’s absolutely not the case, i was so hyped after worlds ended i was basically like a little child waiting for his Christmas present i was read to put in hours a day grinding 5v5 so it’s definitely not me losing my passion for vainglory. So here are the reasons why I’ve fallen out of love of vainglory, disclaimer it’s gonna be a long one:
The biggest slogan that i kept hearing before the release of 5v5 was that this game mode is finally gonna reward strategy over mechanics but in my opinion the 5v5 map isn’t that different to the 3v3 one it just feels like a bigger version of it. The main flaws that were present in 3v3 and that ended up making this game mode so stale can also be found in 5v5.
The first big design flaw is the healing treant and it’s placement, this camp is just ridiculously overpowered people don’t realize how huge the healing and the energy regen is, you literally go from 40% hp and energy to full by taking one treant. And what is even more problematic about this camp is his placement and how close it is to the sidelanes because first it means that there is very little risks in trying to take it and second it means that you can be forced out/zoned out of it because one player had a superior position in lane. Many pros have said it, the healing treant is what determines the outcome of a lane, whoever manages to get this camp over his opponent ends winning the lanning phase, the healing and the energy regen this camp provides plus the exp and the nice little gold bounty are just are a huge advantage that will help you slowly suffocate your opponent who will end up chocking. And that’s a trend that was carried over from 3v3 in the form of the mid treant, a camp that is so powerful but yet is so exposed and easy to control which will enable snowballs
The second flaw in the 5v5 map is the jungle shop, i know most people like the jungle shop because its an unique aspect for a moba that vainglory basically invented but i was hoping there would never be one in 5v5. Just like the healing treant, the jungle shop’s biggest flaw relies in its position, a player that has a superior position in lane can control the jungle shop by either zoning the opposite laner out of it forcing him to stay in lane with an item disadvantage or make him take the longer route to it and lose cs in the process.
The third flaw is the jungle design and how lackluster it feels. Just like 3v3 where there is mainly 3 jungle camps in the form of the backs the mid and the middle part of the map (fronts+elder treant), 5v5 also only has 3 main jungle camps in the form of the buff camp the gold oak and the healing treant the only difference is that there is 3 camps on each side of the map. But top side jungle will be cleared by the mid and top laner at the first rotation and the cp buff will keep on going to the mid laner while the treant will naturally go to the top laner because its crucial for him to win his lane match up which leaves very little incentive for the jungler to ever go top side. That means many things, first the absence of any jungle pathing/rotations so just like 3v3 there is one set rotation that is always repeated so there is no thought behind clearing the jungle, second the jungler is always under-leveled and gold deprived unless he snowballs out of control and finally it means that bot lane will get all the jungle pressure will top lane will get none. Because a jungle rotation consists of basically 3 camps which take 100 and 150 seconds to respawn, the jungler spends most his camping lanes because there is simply no jungle for him to clear which makes jungle the most boring and brain dead position to play.
The 4th flaw is the asymmetric nature of the map, while it looks cool on paper it really is just a pile of bullshit because all it really does is make the top laner’s life a pain in the ass. So asymmetric map means your bot lane is against the enemy top lane and your top lane is against the enemy bot and the jungle is also swapped around. Because of this concept bot lane will always get the wp buff or at least share the ambient in the early game while the top laner will not receive any buffs since cp buff goes to the mid laner. And like i said earlier, bot lane gets all the jungle pressure while top lane gets very little to none so that combined with the buff disadvantage makes life a living hell for top lane where you’re constantly fighting an uphill battle.
So these are the reasons why i don’t enjoy playing the game, it just very frustrating to play and feels very repetitive and doesn’t feel any different to 3v3 and for someone who played 3v3 for years, creating a new game mode that contains the very same flaws is just very demotivating to play. On top of that there is no in game feature to keep veteran players interested in the game, no leaderboard, no ranked rewards which is absurd for a game that is 4 years old but yet doesn’t have a progression system. I’ve never played a game that doesn’t reward its players for progressing gosh you don’t even get an animation or a message that says congrats you’ve just advanced in skill tier, you spend months grinding ranks and the game that promotes to vainglorious feels like winning any other game.