Matchmaking FAQ (dev post from Reddit)

This is your interpretation. I got you BUT even when ranked was released VG gold still matched together. This wasn’t reset MMR but broken match maker.

Okay. So Tier 10 golds being matched with tier 3s is bad. It constitutes a broken match-maker. According to you.

And the solution to the current MM issues is supposedly to perform a hard reset, so all Tier 10s get matched indiscriminately with the rest of the playerbase? What the actual fuck?

Xaldarian identified a problem, his proposed solution is TO MAKE IT WORSE, and you start a page-long discussion with me about whether or not there was a MMR reset. When it’s perfectly clear that the results of the match-making, at the time, were as close to that as is feasibly possible.

Really, at this point I just have to assume you’re trolling.

No. Our idea is to reset it once and not again. Then LOCK it. Do NOT let VGs match low tiers under any circumstances. Besides if it depends on me I wouldn’t do full reset. Instead on season end reset MMR as much as VST. That way people won’t be boosted by the game to their old rank (seriously what the fuck is the current reset supposed to do?) Some people will probably still be higher than they should be but they’ll struggle every season if they’re not where they should be or someone will need to boost them every season.

Both Bobmax and I want to destroy boosted player mmr. Which will make peoples MMR closer to their actual skill.

Add a real matchmaker to that and the problems are gone…

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Just a friendly reminder to keep things civil, even when you disagree with other folks – remember, it’s their point of view you are debating …


He probably created the post anyways because he was in a trio queue and destroyed the solo Q players on the other side in a ranked match.