Let's talk about the captain meta!

The main problem with Flibber is that the paths in the Jungle are too damn wide. Catching someone out with his B is difficult when they have so much space to dash too, and closing off paths with his A is a meme.
Plus, the new items are also slows and like…
Really, SEMC?

They either need to make his A and B bigger or they need to make his A pop faster. Maybe even an interaction like

  • When A AOE is inside B aoe it doubles in speed

Idk, point is Flibber bad an me no likey

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The new utility damage item Rook seems nice on him.

Ardan about to be OP with Kensei still being OP with all the new hp items.

Since Phinn has Water Denizen now Phinn will not be separated from Phinn and Great Phinn but instead Phinn Good Phinn and Great Phinn. Just like every other captain hero…
A Great Phinn will know not to follow his teammates but to have them follow him and with his Water Denizen ability he will be able to further enlighten them to victory and tank all the incoming damage. Phinn isn’t a support, he is a vain crystal…

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Raid-Boss phinn for the win in ranked hahahhaah

Not exactly. It is a nerf for her. My bro used to run like 190% CDA which essentially nearly cut the cooldown by half, more than the CDR cap now.

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Everyone else has the CDR cap. She will still have her CC up very quickly relative to everyone else’s abilities


I’ll be honest he feels like that sometimes and like he has so much control in the game I don’t understand why people say “he needs some love” his abilities have so much base damage as well, for a captain. This one time a guy on my team was playing Phinn and the enemies were all bunched up and on very low health if the speed of his quibble was faster it would have been a triple kill for him, I can find the clip somewhere on a stream but I am too lazy to do that haha. Phinn is great though best perk in the game as well, people just play him too much like any other support hence why speed is the problem I guess. But that’s my take on him.
The items though are gonna make me wanna die because Phinn seems a little TOO good. Hopefully he doesn’t get outclassed by his CP side xD

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The return of the Phishing Master~! Now with extra fortified health~! lol.

The new items will make him Meta for sure. well, at least he can’t double hook no more. lol

I built double boots on him in 5v5 and win easily.

3.4 Meta Prediction:
S = Grace, Lyra
A = Adagio, Ardan
B = Phinn, Lorelai, Fortress
C = Churnwalker, Catherine, Flicker

Capacitor Plate moves the healers further from non-healers. I expect Grace and Lyra will be 1st bans. Grace’s Divine intervention didn’t need a buff from 50 to 30 seconds. With max CDR, her ult cooldown is 16.5 sec with 1.2 seconds reduced per retribution. Lyra still provides instant engage, healing, anti-engage, and poke.

Adagio will be a priority pick. With 2k built health, Adagio has gone from 485 heal to 582 on a 4.4 second cooldown with CapPlate and max CDR. CapPlate, CP infusion, and AS hits max cooldown.

Ardan’s can utilized any of the new items. Vanguard just got stronger due to CapPlate and the general increase in health on the new items. He is still the swiss army knife of Captains with great mobility.

Phinn’s AoE fortified health just got 20% stronger. CapPlate was built for Phinn who has both life and armor/shield scaling. With 2k built health and 145 armor/shield (FoR and CapPlate), Phinn provides a barrier of 526 to the entire team for 4 seconds. He can now move quickly between lanes.

Lorelai can now move quickly between lanes and has improved stun timing. I see her finding a place for Pulseweave as an anti-engage item that increases her stun and lets her be super speedy. Water Denizen is going to let her roam lanes and kite enemies when going against the current. FoR, Crucible, PulseWeave, Rook’s Decree, CapPlate, WT gives her 3200 health which means a 1.4 sec stun and a 1536 health barrier.

Fortress still has one of the most powerful Ults in the game which body blocks many abilities and negates healing. His own FH during that Ult got 20% stronger.

C Tier doesn’t have the best chance to utilize the new items due to a lack of healing, barriers, and fortified health.

I completely forgot how strong Grace’s ult gets once she gets Plate. I’ll move her up higher then knowing this

Catherine just got a lot of buffs and Pulseweave practically guarantees the silence of her ultimate + High Base Damage. Her cooldowns just got buffed and her silence is incredible VS the meta mid laners and with cooldown it will extremely frustrating to face against. SHe will be at least B tier or low A tier.

Lorelai is at least higher B or A because she was alreayd good in the hands of a skilled player. The buffs will make her incredible in pro play. so like High B in Soloq and A in Pro play.

Catherine’s was hit the hardest by Echo removal. She will need a Nullweave to land the silence and there are so many better items than Nullweave.

I broke the list into 4 tiers with Lorelai in B tier. If the list was only 3 tiers, then she would be mid tier. Grace and Lyra will be banned. Adagio could be S tier but just not banned with Ardan, Phinn, Lorelai, and Fortress seeing regular play.

The standard meta build is FoR to Crucible. I believe the new meta will be FoR to CapPlate. This is going to make Captains much tankier. Crucible provides 700 health while CapPlate provides 450 health plus 30 armor and shield. Plus CapPlate may make Captain’s flask 20% stronger.