What do you think each captain will be placed in terms of effectiveness in 3.4? Here are my thoughts (Keep in mind I am talking about heroes meant for captain roles. Not off-captains like Bap, GJ, or Glaive):
EDIT: Moved Cath down a bit and moved Grace to top tier in Cap
Cath: High/Mid tier. Going to be great due to CD buffs, so her CC is going to be up way more often. Easily a top tier 3v3 cap too. Sure, Echo was ripped from the game. However, that simply gives more room for items on Cath while allowing her to have better CD’s than before with a stronger silence since she was scaled down PURELY because of Echo. Now she even has an item that can slow enemies while making her FASTER which is even scarier if her B is up. Cath is gonna be a menace on the rise and the fold.
Ardan: High tier. His barriers are very strong and his gauntlet is a great form of CC. However, now other heroes that heal or provide FH like Phinn, Adagio, and Lyra have more tools to make them even more effective with even stronger health buff effects at a faster rate.
Phinn: Top tier. Phinn was already good, but his move speed is what was holding him back. With Water Denzien he’ll be able to traverse through the map WAY faster which will be crucial to his success. His CC is fantastic, and with Plates he has an AOE FH + movespeed buff which pulls enemies in. His future is looking bright
Fort: If drafted well, high tier. If not so much, maybe mid tier. Of course, our boi Fort is recieving another wave of nerfs, and with another aftershock nerfs heading our way, jungle Fort may not be viable anymore. However, Cap Fort got a new tool in Pulseweave that makes him an even faster boi, and SLOWS ENEMIES! Very good in dive comps like always and his ult is still fantastic. He even got a movespeed buff on his A! Fort is probably not going anywhere, at least in the cap side of things.
Lorelai: High/Mid tier. Water Denzien is fantastic for a roaming Lorelai. She was a pretty niche pick and with the new items her ult got even better. ALso, with her A coming out even faster it’ll be easier to land, which is also great for CP Lorelai. I think she can make a comeback this patch
Adagio: Maybe High/Mid tier. Cap Adagio was ALWAYS in a bad spot for the last…several patches. However, with the addition to the new Plate item, his heals grant MOVESPEED AS WELL while getting empowered! VERY useful for not only cap Adagio, but maybe even CP Adagio! I’m excited to see how Adagio does this patch.
Churnwalker: High tier (In good parties/competitive play). Probably Low-Mid Tier in soloq. Churn was always known as a meh soloq, but monsterous competitive hero. The buff to his passive is pretty neat and now he can use his ult as an escape tool, albeit now he cannot dive as well with it anymore. Churn’s position probably won’t change all that much.
Best waifu-erhm I mean Grace: Top tier (Top tier in lane too kek): Grace was always a strong hero. There was never a patch where I think Grace was ever somewhat weak. She synergises very well with Pulseweave Especially with her already high movespeed and she is getting massive a massive CD buff on her ult. Grace will remain strong this patch I’ll make sure she is. Also, the synergy her ult has with Plate is very strong. The heal is already strong, but with CDR not only is it up constantly, but it provides a team-wide speed boost, which is very strong Unless it is only a speed boost to the affected player, but that makes it even better since the Plate will always be off cooldown for the ult, granting the ult a secondary effect.
Flicc: Low tier. Unfortunately, now every cap has a reliable slow in Plate and Flicc does not bring enough utility to remain that relevant. Sure, he has true vision, but that is not a game breaking ability Though useful. His root CAN block off escape routes, but that is about it. It is too hard to actually land and Flicc has to stay near enemies to slow them, and after that he is practically useless. His ult IS powerful, but it can be played around by, of course, placing vision. Flicc is simply outclassed by EVERY captain right now.
Lyra: Top Tier. Easily one of if not the strongest captain in the game. Although her burst heal got heavily nerfed, the new Plates item alleviates some of the hit by providing her 20% stronger heals, and actually probably does more healing if the Sigil is used for the heal over time (HoT ig. Can someone do de maths for me? I don’t feel like doing it :^) ). Sure Bulwark was nerfed, but her heal is still there. She’s not going ANYWHERE! She will remain a priority pick/ban. Her damage was not even nerfed, so CP Lyra is still a menace and can actually use Plate extremely effectively.