Labeled a deserter?

Not salt about it but confused. (Maybe a tad salt)
I was just in a BR match and we were at the late game point where nobody is pushing so I sat in spawn told my team to be careful and waited til I could buy my next item. Didn’t leave the game, didn’t stay still ir nothin.

End of game we lost sadly but returning to the main menu I got the deserter warning.

Never had this happen before so im assuming that SEMC changed the way they detect deserters? Anyone have a similar experience?

Some people just don’t understand Battle Royal tactics such as telling your team to back off so u can die and buy your items before the enemy does.

Or not to attack the Raid Boss Phinn so he cant buy his roam items/ shop and hes starved.

Thats just something will never learn sadly.


So you think I was probably just downvoted as a deserter? I mean it makes sense but that makes me wonder how many down votes are needed to make you be counted as a deserter because my team at least should’ve known I was around…

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They probably thought u were trolling and decided to report you for it even though u were waiting to get your items


So true. People never learn BR tactics. Even br people dont know how to win ;-;
trash everywhere


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