well, first pic is joystick control of VG at present, 2-3 pic is my idea for reworking joystick control. Becuase, i noticed that some popular moba game like Mobile legend, Aov… have a joystick control system clearly, easy to use. But Vainglory make Joystick so complex
About question mark button should make like LOL, because some informations are necessary for gameplay experience
This needs elaboration if you are looking for feedback: labels and other markup on the images to highlight what’s changed, text to explain why you’ve made the changes you did, etc.
Also, I’ve moved it to the UI subcategory, as that’s where we generally discuss the game’s interface.
EDIT: Thanks for adding the markup – it’s much clearer now!
I don’t use joystick, personally, so I won’t comment too much… My first impression, though, is that hiding the active items behind a menu is maybe not a great idea. Being able to access them quickly is super important, so anything getting in the way of that, or making it take longer, or opening up a chance for user error, should be avoided. I already mistap too much lol… I don’t want to mistap to open the menu, then mistap to activate the item. Just let me mess up once!
edit to add: I do like the desire to make the hero information a bit easier to digest. It’d be really nice to not feel overwhelmed in the middle of a match while looking at hero numbers.
Yah, you beat me to it, but that’s my feeling as well: visually, it looks cleaner, but from a usability point of view, I think it is actually a step backwards – adding another tap before you can activate Fountain or Crucible is going to lead to a lot of late Fountains and missed blocks.
well, i thought it will be good for support heroes, not require too much skills, or shutterstep. Recently carry or jungle only need a sprint or a block , no need to buy a lot active items like sp heroes
^^ I only need to move easier by using joystick ( with guys use phone)
I used joystick to practice some heroes like San feng because I think he designed for that , but noticed how the movement is bad like if you moving towards a wall and still holding the joystick the hero going to stop there , you have to move exactly around the walls , so that can make you easily stuck around walls and get killed .
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