Joule CP ratio for her ult needs a nerf

Seriously… Atlas + Block. Also use a hero that can shut down her ult. Tons of hero’s with stuns.

Top wp joule, her thunderstrikes really hurt.

Nani means “what?” In Japanese…

15 armor and shield bruh…

Youre talking about WP joule. CP joule lane is poop

Jesus this thread is still alive. Come on boys this thread is over. It’s done. CP SAW sucks vs CP Joule. Period

Joule counters saw, its, not about her CP path. She has a stun (which you can reflex block) but also defence buffs from her perk and huge DMG with thunder strike basic attack combos. Throw in an atlas and your done.

As a saw main you should know this…

Idk throughout my SAW career my duel against WP Joule is rather 50-50 but whenever I see the giant “Danger” sign I pop my knife and shank her to roll to safety

It is her only good damage source, just be careful and don’t main SAW.

CP joule is a monster. She has decent poke and can midlane well. She can carry the entire game.

Was talking about 3v3. 5v5 even krul and taka can lane lol

Joule doesn’t need a nerf. Just walk out of her ult. She can only maximize it if she has frostburn or if her teamates stun you. It’s weak as it is unless she’s literally a cannon.

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