It's barely a week since update 3.10, but what do you think of the heroes right now?

I am still rusty as malene since I didn’t play her due to previous patch… but damn… it feels like op malene is back… but not as op as release but nevertheless. Her abilties does her justice now and she can chase and flee propeerly

What build do you guys recommend on her? I’m getting excited to try her out!

Which hero u talkin about???

I believe Malene, as he said earlier Ylva wasn’t fun to play against - just guessing though

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If you’re skilled with Melon, Try using my build.

Game Start: : Double Crystal Shard.

Then build into this order.

:vgitem_spellfire: :vgitem_halcyonchargers:* :vgitem_shatterglass: :vgitem_brokenmyth: :vgitem_clockwork: :vgitem_shatterglass:

*Also @HipsterSkaarf can you add in the boots plz. Im enjoying the new emotes :ozo:

They’re already there! -HipsterSkaarf

LMAO i didnt see it. Anyways thx


I didn’t see alpha in rank for months
I feel bad
She was my favourite

I hope they buff her with rona ,saw,kensei early game
Adagio need buff burst Heal like Lyra .
Ozo needs some love
Kestrel CP needs buff too

Cp joule is broken, reza seems weak, skaarf has no damage outside of his ult.

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So no AC? I’ve seen it quite a lot
Also when I play her it seems that her only damage ability is her A2 (especially now that they nerfed her A1 damage) so I was also wondering how to get her to do damage?

AC is meh. There another build for her Dps side. But I like to use my abilities more as her since she has soooo much utility and using :vgitem_clockwork: helps you spam every ability up already.

The way I see it is that theres two malene players, the one that kites with the abilities and the one that uses the abilities as a additive to the basic attacks.

If you get AC, then you would want to build:
:vgitem_alternatingcurrent: :vgitem_dragonseye: :vgitem_halcyonchargers: :vgitem_brokenmyth: :vgitem_spellfire: and whatever else since I dont really use her for the dps.

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I love what I’m hearing about CP Joule! I will abuse her again. I’m thinking when I finally get my first game in, I will ban Malene. B seems stupid good. Glad to hear folks are looking the changes to vox, Idris, and ardan!

It’s actually difficult to get to play her as team B wants her banned always, she is the priority ban right now. If you get to play her, I’ve seen it built with pure damage and no defence.


Are you referring to Joule? She’s getting banned now!? If so, wow. I am so proud of her.

According to EdTheShread, they are working on a nerf to her right now, and only a day after the update, so you can imagine how strong is she

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She is the priority ban, yes. I honestly wasn’t expecting this, the buff didn’t seem that big. She is in the nerf list, and will probably be nerfed in a hot fix (that’s what EdTheShred said), so play her before they decide to nerf her!

Joule, my love, we’ll remember this moment forever.

I hope they hot fix her, it’s more broken than kensei on release.

I’m pretty pissed so I may not be seeing it–not to mention I haven’t played him this patch–but what the hell have they done to my dear son Reim? Complete removal of his core mechanic as a hero is far beyond the the atrocity inflicted upon Blackfeather. How is he supposed to keep up with any of the multitudes of heroes with far higher base movespeed, stuns, slows or displacements?

Maybe it’s just me, but use of his Chill mechanic determined whether an engagement net you a kill or proved a wasted opportunity. After reading what they’ve done to him, the idea of playing him seems flat and flavorless. I enjoyed that he depended on properly timing and choosing your target and engagement, that he felt like he needed skill to be effective…

Has anyone played him yet? I’ll probably play him soon enough, but I am unlikely to edit this post or make a new one given my expectation of being unable to see through all the tears.

And then we have Wp Joule.

You poor thing. I’ve missed you but forgot you (Joule in general) even existed. Sure you weren’t very strong early, but jumping on some fool’s head and tearing him open with crit-hitting Thundertrikes always made me giggle on the inside. Did the mean corporation take away your immediate follow-up auto attack, too? Tell us who else they hurt since, for some reason, they couldn’t be bothered to specify for us lowly players.

You just got a new skin, too, right? Good for you. All of those Cp Joule players deserved it on top of those buffs.

**** Cp Joule, bring back my Thunderstrike crits.


[Moderator edit: language]


A really unnecessary nerf to WP Joule. They could have buffed CP ratio at 220% and left the WP ratio at 180% and kept the crit

I love Joule. I dislike the WP nerf. The easy mode, melt faces Thunderstrike they gave her CP build is crazy. She has always been item dependent, but the 40% CP scaling increase to 220% makes her out trade early. Before her damage relied on the scaling pierce being more useful later as enemy shields increased. Also, she didn’t need a 60 base damage increase on overdrive on TS.

I could see them pulling the CP scaling down 20% on both the TS and BRB.

They should return the Crit damage for WP Joule to come back.

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I don’t think Lorelai got the right nerf. Players who don’t dodge a .7sec cast aren’t going to dodge a .8 sec cast either. I think SEMC wants to encourage counterplay, but it’s not reaction time that is a problem.

If a player is getting hit by Lorelai’s abilities, there might be a few things happening:

  1. They just aren’t thinking straight. Nothing can be done about this.
  2. They didn’t see the cast. This catches everyone at some point, but there are a lot of ways Lorelai can hide her casts (crowds, distractions, other abilities).
  3. Moving wasn’t an option, and reflex block wasn’t available.

I honestly think that Lorelai needs to say something when she casts her A, and especially her empowered A. Or maybe she needs some sort of flashier effect. If she’s too effective, I think it’s mostly because players can’t react, and time isn’t the issue.

It also might help to lower the cooldown on reflex block again.

She just works well against teams that clump up and push together, since that hides her casts and lets her hit several targets at once. The meta is not going to evolve away from that and her cast time is pretty irrelevant to hitting in that case (since they took away her instant cast). The best nerf to her would be to give enemies awareness of when they need to dodge.

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