I don’t do that in 5v5… just 3v3. I wanna lane once a while in peace and lock role before banning heros.
The worst type of person to meet in VG lul
Imagine in 3v3, you lock your carry and the suddenly a person with no indicator says nothing or lock nothing picks a carry too. I am like…
I did ask for their rolez before locking my role so… i truely despise these kind of people
As a SoloQ player, they should also know how to play every role and to adapt. And if they can’t adapt, why should I? They didn’t respect may choice, why should I respect theirs? If they cared at all about elo they would respect their teammates, if they don’t, they don’t care about the elo and neither do I.
Giving that you aren’t in EU you won’t.
I just VGPRO them and check if they are somewhat decent with the role or hero the chose. If they are then I just go with captain.
Ah! But if I had choose that role, then they should fill instead of picking that role. Again, they don’t respect the other players, then I don’t have to respect them. Why I have to be roam instead of the other? Just because he wants me to be roam? No.
I’m not a toxic players, I just don’t allow others to break the rules of draft. They have to learn, and loosing what they care most is the only way.
What do you want the player respect ? I don’t understand their respect thing , the way I see draft is an order , and there is an indicators supposed to make it easier but you will never please the players , we don’t have pre queue roles .
So players are going one by one in a room full of presents different size and they all can see it but entering one by one , so the first guy picked the big one , so you got tilted because he took what you want while the game gave him the free choice to do anything there is no respect on that , why I have to leave you the big present and not take it myself while I have the power to do , adaption is part of the game in soloq but someone need to sacrifice and it usually the later picks order because that’s what soloq really is .
Intentional losing certainly fits my definition of toxicity.
I try to win the match, so is not intentional loosing.
That isn’t at all what you said in your posts above. Reread them.
I said: I keep in my role, even if this mean to have 5 players in the same position, which doesn’t mean I try to loose.
Edit: can you quote where I say I loose intentionally? Because I never said that.
If you can’t understand why not caring about others’ Elo and not making any effort to form a reasonable team composition when you know better is toxic … .
Do you or did you ever play a team sport? Would that kind of behavior be tolerated by a coach? Or your teammates? Certainly not – you’d be off any team I coached in 5 minutes.
Vainglory is a team game, unless you’re playing solo bots. Your approach to the game and your behavior during it contributes to or detracts from the enjoyment of up to 9 other people. That’s a fact that way too many people in multiplayer gaming forget way too often.
Again, why I should play a role that I don’t want to play because someone didn’t choose a role and denies filling the draft? Why you put the blame on me, instead of them who were the ones that didn’t care about the draft and their teammates?
Not, just because the couch wouldn’t blame me, s/he would kick off the other player, who were the one that did wrong.
Again, it’s not my fault. Those people only want a team for their interest, and don’t care about their teammates, so why should I care about them? Stop blaming me, is their fault.
Thank you for confirming everything I just said.
I didn’t confirm anything, but if you think I did, then you don’t understand what I’m saying
So, this topic has deteriorated beyond any minimal usefulness it might have had. I’m going to close it here.