Is it just me or is Alpha stupidly OP right now?

Just stand there hitting basic attack on early jungle evades, I can effortlessly 2v1 enemy teams. WTF?


She is way op ATM. After her ult is triggered a turret can soley attack her and come out with 50%


No way lol. Ibe beaten alphas with saw, gwen and even cp vox at t9 level. No way is she op. She has this early-mid game high damage thats all. Once you get an aegis, Its easy to kill her. What you should be worried about is fortress.


Alpha is only counterable for me by SAW WP since he can mow down Alpha super fast.

yeah exactly. Block the atlas n destroy him. Even gwen does it well. You can stay in a position where he cant use his B and keep kiting. Theres always rona reim krul and bf. Even ozo is decent into him.

*she. Alpha is female mate…

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In my 1st comment i used she n 2nd comment i used he. ok i need sleep.


No Alpha is balance

Jk when I get Alpha I win


it’s not only you Alpha is op op

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Fort is OP as f… even a captain build with AS and SC as only dmg items, deals insane dmg. Had games and frequently play against/with fort doing most kills/assist and dmg in the game anx I mean something like 15/2/17… without dedication to dmg items, just AS/SC. Also his ult is quite impactful in team fights combined with his perks and dmg.


If her A hitbox wasn’t so forgiving I’d be completely fine with her. I’m sick of her flying at me from halfway across the map because she slightly scanned a piece of fur on Taka’s tail.


exactly. The bans have shifted from alpha to fort lol.

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I’ve seen many an Alpha destroyed lately. I think people are getting the idea of just focus her when she’s down and focus on other people when she’s not.


I main Alpha. Yea, shes pretty good in most team fights. But there are plenty of characters that can shut her down either early game or 1v1. For example ive encounter Voxs that are both WP and CP and sometimes can be difficult to get on top of because he is so mobile. Saws building WP are just a given when they arent fed early game. And ive had my run-in with a few Rezas here and there. But since 3.1 update, they nerfed her pretty heavily. She comes back with a minimum of 40% instead of 50% which can make or break an escape from a teamfight. her B was nerfed a little i think. But all in all, if you build Alpha correctly you can be a problem for the enemy team for a lot of the game

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she is very strong and it might be because of her passive and her B. When locked down she doesn’t seem to be so strong but she does seem to have a higher strength fed ratio then heroes like koshka and Idris. I think her B shouldn’t increase her B’s damage the more the stacks when it’s up almost every 2 seconds with aftershock being around the same cool down. With aftershock and dragons eye she can kill even a tank in 10-15 seconds flat. Not even koshka or Reza can do that as cp burst heroes.

After update 3.2 she can still die under a turret and tank 3 hits, reboot and run away to fight another day… is there any other hero that can do that?

Her sustain is OP.

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