Is BP actually being worked on?

Is the BP actually being worked on depite being said that its on the back burner? I have a hunch that they are saying that its not being worked on to lower peoples hype and when they do release it, the community will hype up quickly from it.

Idk. I feel kinda hopeful, but not at the same time.

Reddit Post

Sonata admitted that the battle pass was too good for players that they had to remove it , while that time they said the opposite ,they said they needed to make it better for players , it didn’t make sense , like how you going to make a good deal better , but now they said what we said in the forum about the battle pass and it needs a rework benefit the company not the players , is it coming back ?! Maybe , but notice social pings , taunts emotes , hats , they all good content for battle pass and they aren’t updated , and we already getting talents from free chests so I don’t know what is the battle pass content going to be .

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I can’t imagine why it is taking months to implement a new Battle Pass – in the meanwhile leaving the game without one of its major incentives for players to play regularly.

Smh … if SEMC were trying to encourage players to abandon the game, they couldn’t do a better job than they’re already doing. :man_facepalming:


Sonata said he was talking about events, not BP. BP is currently not being worked one until they find a good way to do it and have resources enough.

I didnt see any confirmation about that. But it seems plausible. Since they’ve done event checklists in the past

This is going to be us if it releases.

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The event check lists and rewards.

imho BP is a must, gives the player initiative to play + feel progressing. Some form of ingame stats or atleast deep endgame stats are a must too (adding the dmg dealt, healing, structure dmg + rank of players so you know if you played vg silvers or t9, etc.). Even average players expect and check stats and this is literally the only MOBA without any match history at all and not even deep enough end game stats. Guilds should be also revamped, bugs fixed and then they can start to maintenance the game. Dunno if the current player base/projections are worth the effort for them tho. :frowning:

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Not sure how you “lose money” when you’re selling something that players pay actual money for and which returns only virtual goods.


A lot of people didnt have to actually buy ice. It also gave a lot of premium stuff people would otherwise pay for. They lose money in the sense that it reduces their income quite heavily.

That wasn’t the implication from Sonata. He seemed to say that money was actually being lost, not simply that revenue projections were down.

I can’t see how they’re actually losing money either. Unless they farmed out ALL of their asset design to freelancers, then MAYBE I could see them making a case for losing money. However, when your only costs are essentially labor and infrastructure, I have a hard time believing your claim.


The way I understand what he said is losing money compared to what they would earn without it. Otherwise it doesn’t make sense.

Ikr, I had uninstalled the game some time before Sang Feng’s release, I downloaded it again cause Warhawk got me curious and I was expecting to notice some improvement on the game… Oddly enough I found it worse than what I remembered it.

Like, the state of the game when I left was bad, the battle pass was terrible, the chests and keys drop ratio nerfed to the ground, app infested with bugs that did things like crashing me out of a game,not letting me pick my hero and thus, making me unintentionally dodge, getting stuck on loading screen, balance being non existent… Whew, basically all the things that we know VG was struggling with (which sadly, is everything that isn’t the graphics imo).

So, all that stuff was still there, I read the notes and noticed no relevant QoL changes or bug fixes at all, tho I recall they promised they were focusing on them now? Idk, first iteration of sunlight wheel was the best, every change made after that was for the worse; nerfing the rewards, infesting them with talents, making it harder to grind… Literally killing big part of my interest to keep playing.
So I come back just to realize that even when they last BP was terrible, now there’s just nothing?

Queue times were kinda long even for blitz today, I feel like loading screens before games are taking much more time for me…

If they’re not doing bug fixing then what are they doing exactly? Just like you, I honestly don’t know why are they taking so long to come up with a meaningful progression system.
Seeing how’s the game rn, I’d think they seriously need something to keep their players interested in the game, it’s not like they have the luxury to slack on it, like they need to do sth asap. There’s luterally 0 incentive to play, even less to do so regularly.

And as for what is said about them losing money for people getting stuff from the BP that otherwise they would pay for… Idk, I think it’s bold to assume/imply that people would actually spend that much money (as they imply they were losing) on the stuff they got from the BP if it wasn’t there, (I hope I worded that right, I spent 15 minutes trying to figure out how to write that sentence).

I’m sorry I know this is a long post but, I’m just disappointed to come back and realize that nothing has improved. No BP, bugs still there, skin crafting system is still whack, balance doesn’t exist, my gold, silver and bronze chests are just there collecting dust with keys being non existent, SE Varya costing 500 opals even so it has rare skin quality standards… I’ll stop there, too much stuff to complain and everyone here knows what’s up, just wanted to make my point as someone who quit for a few months and came back to be disappointed…

Well, guess I’ll stick to playing Skullgirls. Nice to see you all, though!


Here we are, straight from the horse’s mouth:

I put it in a previous comment, so I don’t know why you are sending this to me.

I think they’re losing money because of how you can rebuy BP each season FOR FREE when you grinded enough.

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My mistake; I had assumed that you linked the image of the post, rather than the comment.

For those of you who were wondering how they were losing on bp, sonata made another comment expanding on that, link to response in that thread

That specific point addressing it:

”Nope, what I actually mean was that it was costly, stupidly expensive, and certainly did not make back anywhere near the amount of money that went into developing it. All on top of reducing revenue.”

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This is basically what we said. They can’t “lose” money like on a physical product, because it doesn’t cost extra to pay artists and engineers to work on a different project. The diversion of resources that goes into a Battle Pass represents opportunity cost when faced with more reliable revenue options like skins, and this is being misleadingly phrased as actually being in the red.

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I don’t believe that was the main reason, but I also won’t say they are lying either since nobody know how they run everything