I'm awful at captain

Vgpro doesn’t show how good a captain is. The stats don’t do justice to how many clutch fountains or crucibles a roam has done. Your builds are good and imo doesn’t need a huge change. If you have even 2-3 competent allies full utility is much more impactful than any AS/SC can do


Echo bulwark is so satisfying to use. Shuts down every single diver. It is as good the old double gauntlet as it has low cooldown and can zone very well

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That’s a perfect winrate with Lyra right there

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My 5v5 ranked winrate

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Maybe it’s just me but I rarely see it used.

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Never play captain in soloq. Just lock in double jungle.

I was lookin at the overall winrate… 69% exactly hehehe

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