I give up SEMC

y o u ’ r e p a r t o f t h e p r o b l e m

ur right i boosted a few undeserving individuals…

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Broken MMR and dodging isn’t the same as losing elo when you win, I’ve never seen anything reporting this on the forum before.

Quit Vg ages ago why you still playing it?

True they are separate, but it’s all ranked. Maybe there aren’t threads, maybe there are. I didn’t look too much into it.

The real question is why are you here.


I can still talk to you guys can’t I

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Well for me those issues are separate from an elo issue, salty team mates and dodging is one thin but the basic mechanics of the game not rewarding you for a win is ridiculous.

Can you imagine if you placed a bet, won and didn’t get your winnings? Just wouldn’t happen…

Ah, I see. I guess you’re right, for someone who’s high tier that would be a big deal. I’ve never had a lot to lose in ranked, so I think I just can’t get it.

My oft-said “I play ranked exclusively” roughly translates to “I don’t play much anymore” due to the issues you’ve brought up.

Hell, the queues in casual are almost as long. I can’t be bothered to wait almost 10 minutes for a match, only to have someone then fail to accept or dodge.

I’m almost to a month since my last VG match of any kind, but not for lack of trying.


Aw don’t worry you welcome to discuss… As long as you always agree with me.

The wait times have seriously been a reason I’m not playing a lot. Why should I sit and wait 10+ to get into a game that’s done before the 20 min mark? That makes no sense. This is why I was initially against 5v5 because VG didn’t have the player base to be supporting so many modes, of course I was ok with it because everyone gave me the impression that this was VG “Messiah, it’s true form, the one thing holding it back” but truth is VG was more successful when it was being original. It’s sad because the devs just don’t get it either.


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