Uhmmm if people never tried anything new there would never be a new meta. To go with meta and never try anything else shows you lack a crucial part of a moba games which is the ability to think for yourself. If you cant do that you have no business in the game
Honestly speaking. i don’t even like the term “meta”… before VG, i never even heard of this term.
Build diversity is crucial to a good moba, something that VG lacks.
Stop using the term “meta” and stop being a slave to the “meta”…
there is no “meta”. Just play the game.
Welp we figured out the biggest problem holding the game back from being a long term sucess. It isn’t a semc problem either it is players not thinking for themselves.
Clearly there is a meta and clearly there is a meta build…
Players not thinking about the choices they make is always the problem, declaring there 's no meta whilst picking taka into a petal for instance isn’t thinking outside the box, it’s idiotic.
Just as mixing WP and CP items results in sub standard DPS.
Meta changes in every parch, understanding how it’s changed and why is part of the “thinking for yourself” as is understanding optimal build paths which fluctuate one patch to the next.
No, lmao. If you guys hate the word “meta” so much, then I could use different terminology like “good” and “bad/subpar/weak/”. Or is “meta” more kind?
Overanalyzing it would be doing all the math and showing you exactly how far behind in practice or on paper an off meta build might be. Its not “overanalyzing” to explicitly state exactly how meta builds (or hybrid in this case) are iffy, whether you like my analysis or not. Or should I have just said “off meta/hybrid builds suck, don’t be a fool?” @Satanicsoldier
Besides, if I want to think about this and drop a long thought out post, detailing my thoughts, instead of going off of gut feelings, thats my right. Its also my right to see that I might be wasting my time.
Some/many people want to play what is proven to work well. And so there is always a meta, in virtually any game with any disparities in power level. You just weren’t necessarily aware of it. The only reason we don’t have a lot of build diversity, is that VG lacks a large item pool. So yeah, LoL has more potential than VG for differentiated builds, but they also have many more items. Even then, some champions have fairly narrow build paths. Pretty much every competitive game ever has a meta, you just might not recognize it.
I could play a Roam Ringo or WP Celeste and I guarantee you my team would have to be higher skill than the enemy to win. Does that mean I should? If I want to be a trolly jerk I would clearly be having the time of my life doing this. Playing “meta” is not about higher skill, its about playing to win. With picks that your teammates can expect.
If you want players to “think for themselves” a more appropriate place would be away from build paths (let the pros figure that out), and towards map awareness and teamfight positioning/win conditions. You can’t fix either of those by pinging.
Yes it is playing to win but at the cost of the ability to actually learn the game, but of course from what I have seen from past with SEMC instead of balancing to diversify the game they have fed into a narrow pool of these meta. That is the true toxicity of META.
Actually that is the skill that should separate the pros from everyone not the builds. Now I understand sharing builds, but too mainy builds have no explanation behind them allowing no one to learn which means there is no thought behind picking because someone said it worked. Pings are an excellent start for map awarness if people would pay attention to them, but as you’re learning figuring out builds along with why they work is a key to actually getting progress in map awarness.
Hybrid Reim is pretty fun and feels strong, but I wouldn’t advise trying it because it isn’t ‘meta’ and I know how fond of the meta some people are. If the people who’ve spent more time slaughtering the carries to climb the ladder than they have spent outside exploring the magical server called real life ain’t using it, you shouldn’t too! Shame on you for trying to have fun.
Vainglory, imo is still in it’s teenager stage… not enough heroes and items to “break” the “meta”…
All those terms to describe the “meta” like good, bad, etc are all just words to describe a poorly made hero or item that is not yet complete…
more items, more heroes, more balancing and one day the term “meta” will completely dissapear…
Hybrid builds only work well on certain heroes depending on their base dmg, or if certain items proc certain effects and they have a basic or ability that can take advantage of it, if you’re talking CP+WP. As for hybrid when it comes to CP/WP+Support, that’s another story, and a lot of hybrid support roles can be effective depending on your team synergy. Generally speaking, they’re not that effective though.
Off-Meta builds are a whole other situation.
I love HC on CP Kestrel though. The higher base movement combined with her camo movespeed makes it very reliable.