Heya there, MacAulay here.
I, being the guy who only ever plays off-meta, have started picking up on hybrid builds. I know lot of people think they’re weak, and I can understand why - you’re mixing two seperate playstyles into one game.
However, in some cases, they allow new openings. Here’s a build I’ve tried, and have had a lot of fun with.
Who doesn’t like this guy’s rare talent, allowing you to have both divergent paths? Well lets do that in standard modes too. you’ve probably tried it; slapping a Sorrowblade on CP Idris, with variable success. But look at the current numbers: you only need 100 WP to unlock his passive, not the 125 it once was, and certainly not the 150 of a Sorrowblade. So here’s my build.
Alternating Current, Dragon’s Eye, Spellsword, Halcyon Chargers, Aegis, Metal Jacket.
Spellsword provides you with the 100 WP you need, and also has some nice cooldown. Admittedly not as much as Clockwork, but for the buffs gained, that little drop can be worth it. Depending on the situation, Dragon’s eye, or either of the defensive items, can be interchanged for a Shatterglass.
I was gonna add others, but I realise they’re a lot less viable than they used to be. Kestrel used to be a favourite of mine, now I still play her, but can’t get the Hybrid build to work. Maybe someone can enlighten me. Baron was another, but since they changed his B, it’s not worth it anymore. I have plans to try Lance, just to be able to give him more stun time.
There is always that “Glowy hands” build. A combination of the items that make your hero’s hands glow: Tension Bow and Aftershock (yes I know AC does it too but that’s beside the point here). I’ve seen it a bit, On Fortress, Alpha and Taka especially. It might work on Lance. It’ll probably work on Tony.
If you’ve made it this far through my boring chatter, well done. tell me what you think. tbh I’m expecting a load of “it’s not meta it’s shit” replies, and I can understand it. But I’m hoping I find some off-meta bros, the WP Baptistes and Carry Flickers. Not Captain Blackfeathers tho. That’s going too far.