How to record and mirror Vainglory on Android to a computer over USB


The Android part requires at least API 21 (Android 5.0).

Make sure you enabled adb debugging on your device(s).

On some devices, you also need to enable an additional option to control it using keyboard and mouse.

Links of the app:


On Linux, you typically need to build the app manually. Don’t worry, it’s not that hard.

For Arch Linux, an AUR package is available: scrcpy .

For Gentoo, an Ebuild is available: scrcpy/ .


For Windows, for simplicity, prebuilt archives with all the dependencies (including adb ) are available:

(SHA-256: c0c29ed1c66deaa73bdadacd09e598aafb3a117929cf7a314cce1cc45e34de53)

(SHA-256: 9cc980d07bd8f036ae4e91d0bc6fc3281d7fa8f9752d4913b643c0fb72a19fb7)

Mac OS

The application is available in Homebrew. Just install it:

brew install scrcpy

You need adb , accessible from your PATH . If you don’t have it yet:

brew cask install android-platform-tools

You can also build the app manually.

Run (mirrored at 1024×576 and recording):

Plug an Android device, and execute:

scrcpy -m 1024 -r file.mp4 (or .mkv)

(interrupt recording with Ctrl+C)
(Ctrl+C does not terminate properly on Windows, so disconnect the device)

Tutorial with images:

1- Open the terminal (cmd), plug an Android device, and execute:

scrcpy -m 1024 -r file.mp4 (or .mkv)


(Ctrl+C does not terminate properly on Windows, so disconnect the device)

common errors

if adb not detect your phone install the “adbinstaller”: Link

Video in 1024: 6min = 310 MB =