How to play roam role on 5v5 map

I actually like it - it introduces a new consideration into roaming and vision control. Plus it gives me more excuses to buy a shiversteel or bonesaw as a roam - its all about vision control :wink:

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Iā€™m still trying to work out how to play and build roam in 5vs5 but so far I think rotating/roaming a lot between lanes helps. I donā€™t end up spending much time with my jungler unless theyā€™re invading enemy jungle. Though Iā€™ve seen times when both jungler and roam pair up, they jungle and rotate between lane together frequently.
Like the others have said, I donā€™t think focusing on getting FoR ASAP makes a huge difference.

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Soā€¦ in summary. Captain on 5s map is different than on 3s map. One year ago, the last time I play vg bfore quit. Roam always have the same boring item. And when you buy too much damage item, your teammate will start to ping ā€œ?ā€ you

Nowadays. I tried playing captain with build like a jungler, buying a damage item first and then buy for, atlas, and super cam for support later. And the result is really good, I can harass enemy, tanking and support at same time. and the good thing is nobody mad at you building item like that

Lol. The game really changing so much isnt it. Im happy as roam or captain main. But sadly, I still feel that movement speed a little slow :frowning:

you will need t2 boots very early as a roamer.
or you have to play koshka or taka. the movespeed they have is insane on the big map.

i personally would get the super scout first (take out the enemy vision while having a really good one myself) and then go for some damage.

for is still really usefull, but i think its only needed in the late game teamfights.

just by outrotating the enemy and always fighting under turret or with a player more is enough, usually.

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It takes so long to clear vision as Lance. :sweat_smile:

Iā€™d go super scout first then fountain for pretty much every captain. Except for Cath, which I would build a clock shock to spam those stacks then fountain.

Generally I start at the mid lane and rotate to support the sides if needed. When in doubt I go to the middle of the map, because I can rotate to either side much faster. I donā€™t rotate to lanes where there are two people in the early game.

I prioritize the mid lane turrets before the sides. If I have to chose which gets sacrificed, I defend the mid lane turret.

Like 3v3 I prioritize support to the strongest carry, who isnā€™t suicide diving, over extending, and understands synergy bestā€¦with exception to heros like Taka, maybe Varya, Black Feather, and Baron, who can over extend then get out.

I also initiate dragon captures. Itā€™s easier for the team to defend opponents contesting if the roam is tanking.

Otherwise, mostly just focus on keeping people alive, unless of course they are suicide diving or engaging with a sliver of health, in that case I save my cool downs for the more competent carries.


play with guildies and go with 2 roam-jungler for each side.

one for vision and defend / invade top side
one for vision and defend / invade bottom side

whoever closer to midlane protect the midcarry if thereā€™s invade

that way you donā€™t have to roam all map
only work with guildies, thoughā€¦

and if possible always clear with teammate nearby. your team will benefit more