How to matchmake by vainglory

Just a small reminder that its been 9 months since 5v5 ranked and the game still puts beginners, intermediate and high tier players all in the same game.


Damn son, putting out da Anka skillz

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Just to clarify that L3oN’s smurf

State of the game lol.


“Sigh. Matchmaking is too hard to improve.” - Dev1
“I know, let’s completely give up on it!” - Dev2
“There will be massive backlash though.” - Dev1
“Let’s just call our complete lack of effort “chaos q” and call it intentional!” - Dev2
“Seems legit, let’s do it!” - Dev1


EWWWWWWWW what turd drafts ringo? Drafting ringo is the equivalent of committing turret dive. Could you pick a more useless hero when not countered and a better feeder when countered?

Ringo is quite strong though, he can abuse TB quite easily and bully most heroes.

Sorry just needed to fix it lol.

:eyes: well the madness of it all is better shown when its the same person talking to themselves i guess.

And when the same guy who balances talents is also trying to fix the matchmaker.

Zekent, Sonata and SurpriseBirthday need to be fired. Like. NOW.


It’s not that bad, I’ve seen people end a blitz in 1 min. So even if that match is unbalanced you are doing quite well.

B… But look at the talents :frowning:
Also both of my teammates were unraked and their last season Blitz elo was 1000, meanwhile enemies were at least t6 and one was POA.

This is just my personal opinion, but iirc, Sonata is the one doing Talents. And IMO his Talents designs and balancing is either horrible or just blatantly biased.

I continue to maintain that adding talents was the single worst decision SEMC ever made.


It was a joke, with that level difference and the unbalance of talents im surprised you were doing that well. only 3 points in 1:37, the rule is by that time to have already 9 points with that level difference.

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