How to make players actually get good upon unlocking a hero

So I have seen a lot of new players sucking in game because they just simply don’t know how to play the damn hero. So I have an idea. Why don’t we incorporate a hero spotlight show upon unlocking the hero? Then put them in a bot match that not until they win are they allowed to play in other modes.


recipe for disaster. locking people into matches and out of playing the game freely is exactly the thing what would actually kill the game. Plus, what about heroes you get from chests that you’ll never touch once? There’s no point…


That’s only one match. Or if they are really free, create a custom tutorial for each hero.

Bad idea.

There are heroes I don’t own, that I still know how to play as as a result of battle royale matches and free hero rotations. Why should players like me be forced to waste their time playing a boring bot match when they already have a grasp of how the hero works?

Besides, ‘just one game’ isn’t going to fix anything. Knowing how to play a hero comes from experience and knowledge of the game. A single bot match will not make the player that buys a character an immediate pro.

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Or just at least do my first thing.

I mean, sure. There can be some sort of notification pointing towards the hero spotlight of a hero you just bought, there´s no real harm in that.

The problem is that it won´t really fix anything either. Plus, a lot of hero spotlights are very outdated, possibly spreading confusion among newer players that don´t realise that some heroes have been changed since the release of their hero spotlight.


Holly cow Lam, do you like Saw or what?

28/50 of your last games? xD

I’m his main and I’ve been funking with his Mad Cannon since 2016. I’m extremely triggered by noob SAW mate.


Haha! All good. At least you play him well.

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If this was an option, and not forced, I think it could be very helpful. I think the way LoL displays information regarding heroes’ perks and toolkits is good, something like that would also be nice.


Firstly and foremost… Improve the damn A.I. on bots so they are actually a tiny bit of a challenge.

“very hard” = tooo damn easy…

Don’t give noobies the impression that just because they finally beat the “super hard Bots” in “very hard mode”, they’re ready to take on real players … it gives a really false impression of a real game with real players.


Honestly something like this would be nice but it would be extremly frustrating. A system like hero mastery would be nice by locking heros from ranked until x conditions are met

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That’s what casuals are for :wink:

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We could do it like if your account was made in the past “x” number of days, you have to play or win at least “x” matches in casual modes with that hero before being able to play them in ranked.


Play And win… Losing just doesn’t cut it.

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exactly. you’ll be too bust salting you won’t learn anything.