How to carry 5 v 5 rank games easily. (Jungle Mains)

is rank really necessary? you can tell from his speech that he is an experienced player

I mean rank matters, experience or not, at the end its the rank.

no it doesn’t… some people do not the stress of ranked games and stick to casual: this means that their rank is small but their skill level might be that of a vainglorious player. i only ranked one or two times for the last 2 seasons and am only now trying to get to t8(3v3, 5v5 is icky). if you are judging someones information value on their rank then you need to rethink your priorities. rank matters if you actually learned something game knowledge wise - most people carry on mechanical skill and/or selfish luck. experience matters if you learn from it, and not everyone feels like ranking. even the competent t10s will hear out advice from lower tier players, i can say THAT from personal experience.

this strategy makes it a 4v5, is only helpful somewhat for farm dependent junglers, and you will annoy your allies. also won’t make your allies stronger through snowballing advantage.

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This will lose to compentant players and massive enemy map movements and pressure, your turning the first ten minutes to a 4v5.

If you are a god, obviously its going to be easy. You dont need other people. It can even be possible even if its a 3v5

I think it’s ridiculous to ignore helpful information, although I admit I spoke slightly rudely. My rank should not matter, as my replies on this thread and many others, a majority positive and helpful, can indicate my level of experience. However, if you must know I have 2 accounts that I rank with both T9, gold and bronze. I can’t seem to hit VG but I’ve never expressed myself differently.

Since you automatically jumped to rank, I assume it’s important to you. What’s yours?

I just had a jungle game and I don’t usually play jungle position anymore because in 5v5 why should I let some player lane when I can lane and do well? I got forced into the jungle position and all I gotta say its gank gank and gank.

First I was playing Tony and I was placing vision in places that I know I won’t go to. The Arden spotted me and he was the enemy top laner and there was churnwalker and Sam mid. I made the Aedan believe that I was going to pressure bot and gave mid a false sense of security. I went straight to mid and went for Sam and chunked his health down so he needed to reposition. My Celeste and Phinn quickly followed up on churn and we first blooded him. I killed the San right after that. I did an entire enemy blue rotation with my bot laner and then took our own red buff. I went back and bought some items and went to the bot lane to put pressure on the Ardan. Basically I snowballed and made my mid and bot carries fed to the point where the enemy surrendered. Also this is a t10 match and even though the enemy team had a poa gold player it was actually a vg silver pro player who’s smurfing.

I wanted to share that with you to let you know that your strategy will lead you to going to elo hell because you are gonna be stuck for a long time until you adapt. If you want to be a jungle main you are not doing a good job until you get your carries fed instead of yourself…

Not to ignore your point and how it relates to the topic, but what build did that Ardan go ?

SC Pulse WT and what seems to be going to AS. Why though?

I haven’t played CP Ardan top since before new defense items and I was curious if they were successful or if he had them

can you try rephrasing this? who are you reffering to when you said ‘you’ ? and if this is a 3v3 and you are staying in the jungle the battle is already lost.

people have already told you that this will work fine in the low tiers. also can i suggest getting halcyon chargers and a crystal infusion instead of a second clockwork?

Interesting i forgot they had such an item

Holy shi* this worked for me!
I was skeptical at first but I gave it a shot and what do you know? Suddenly I’m getting kills left and right at level 6. And I was playing roam lmao.
I just took all jungle farm and then started ganking all the lanes at level 6 and the kills kept coming.
My rank just increased from t4 (elo hell) to t6!
Can you carry me? I wanted to ask you this in the other thread but it got locked. I promise you won’t have to give me freelo by buying damage items as captain.

Don’t know why the jungler was so toxic though when I was carrying him and giving him free elo.

Top quality sarcasm right there xd

Back in 3v3 during 4 am ranking I got matched with t4 players and I beat them using AS Skye. I was on main just as you claim to be. So tomorrow I’ll write I guide how to abuse the incredibly powerful AS Skye.

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I need this. I love Skye and used to main her, but I rarely play her these days.

It’s not finished, but I’m creating a guide this very moment. Skye is a very squishy player. Laning with her is very difficult to farm minions - if you are going CP -, but she is also good at controlling fights. Her ultimate control pathways of fights and her first ability controls the distance between enemies and allies. When laning with her, there is no reason to die. Absolutely no reason to. She has an comparable agility to Kensei. If you play her right, you can almost dodge every ability with her 2nd ability and her passive. She is a massive poke god. People usually lose with her because they don’t know how to play her. For an example, most players play Celeste as a laner, but 3/4 of those players barely know how to play her. They don’t know her weaknesses and her advantages. This is the same as Skye. She is such a good Hero and yet, no one knows how to play her effectively.


The trick is you don’t buy damage items but instead utility items so if your teammates blame you for not doing any damage its because you don’t have damage.

TBH I feel like playing Utility Skye top now. SC, AS, PW, EoH, Rook’s, and JB sounds good.


Aftershock Skye definitely sleeper OP. She’s so broken. The trick is that Aftershock doesn’t synergize with anything in her kit but I did it once because of broken match maker therefore it must be good following the same way of thinking as this thread haha. Jokes aside though I feel you. Always loved playing Skye and it feels bad when she’s barely playable. She is a good hero to be always meta too. Her skill floor and skill cap are very high and she’s not very toxic either. Makes a great hero to be able to play whenever you want if you got the skill.