I contacted him personally. He’s a nice guy I give him that. He just needs some rest after all of this crap. Btw, he told me that he knew the balance was off and he was still tryna do it well but he still wanna create the META to make the game fun to play and not boring.
but did u say u were sorry for bein rude, its one thing to say ur better at balencing to another forumer, its a different thing to say ur better at balencing to a person that works to balence heros and stuff
UwU plus ur a nice person, its just hard to see how the stuff written was intended to be, i write honestly and quite purely?.. maybe but some people tell me i have a sharp tongue at times
Imma git mah brain blown man…
I suppose it depends on where you’re from, as it’s also “swear like a sailor” over here.
Vainglory probably crashes due to your device overheating.
It was not hot either .-.
Vainglory app hates you?
30 chars
Maybe you played for too long and your crappy China phone just died lol. Happens to me too
80% of the world’s things are Chinese-made.
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