The wisdom is all-reaching. Ask him anything.
Will this thread answer all our questions? Let’s ask
forumbotmatch fortune
Edit: it’s clear forumbot is amused by my suffering
The wisdom is all-reaching. Ask him anything.
Will this thread answer all our questions? Let’s ask
forumbotmatch fortune
Edit: it’s clear forumbot is amused by my suffering
@ForumBotMatch will you answer all our questions honestly?
Hi! To find out what I can do, say @ForumBotMatch display help
@ForumBotMatch fortune
will I ever be a happy man?
Most likely
@ForumBotMatch fortune
What is 4 + 4?
Signs point to yes
He has spoken. The true answers are often profound.
It is decidedly so
Well there you have it folks, spoiler alert. Team Gwen wins.
It’s over. We already won. He has made it so.
@ForumBotMatch fortune
Will Team Reza win the Vainglory Event?
Without a doubt
Paradox… Hmmm
Here is 30 characters!
This text will be hidden
What a two-faced lying sack of trash
Do you often give out false hope to us mortals?
@ForumBotMatch fortune
Better not tell you now
@ForumBotMatch fortune
Are us mere mortals too meek to comprehend your paradoxical paradigms?
It is certain