Has the new item changes led to new build paths for hero?

I guess FB vs Shiversteel would depend on how well you think you’re going to land your A, and how you value health as compared to CP. I’ve generally been building Shiversteel either as a captain (because I want health and one more way to apply CC), or to help slow a wiggly enemy enough to land the A.


I don’t think Aftershock works at all well on Krul since he does not have the ability to proc it often, and in fact it is not a very good item at the moment overall. I’d consider starting with a Shatterglass, or Even Alternating current since CP Krul’s playstyle is to jump and an enemy and blow them up with a big B.

As for the overall impact of recent item changes I’ve found Shiversteel to be quite good in Blackfeather, and I think it would be good on WP Krul if he was a better pick right now. You are sabotaging yourself if you buy it on Kestrel or other ranged carries, the only hero who can probably pull it off is Vox. The

Judging by the conversation it seems shiver steel might be worth a punt on Tony. He’d benefit from the attack speed, health for the scaling on his perk and the slow would just add to his utility.

I only play him in brawls, but maybe someone else could comment on this items viability on him in the main game modes?

Yeah if you speaking about roam tony , but tony the jungler scale better with wp over attack speed it makes his barrier stronger , that’s why people used to build sorrowblade serpent mask , spellsword , to get high wp high burst and tank .

His barrier scales with health, 20% of bonus health. Hence why I thought it useful for a jungle tony too.

Attack speed I thought generally synergies a with his kit allowing him to get off the three empowered attacks from his A in shorter order.

Yeah but it’s the same for adagio , he scales with health and cp , so as a damage dealer why you care about health if cp going to give damage and heal , and he actually has speed boost on A and stun add to that his B pull enemy towards him , it’s like flicker while I know some players main flicker and build shiversteel on him because he can hide then basic attack and slow enemy from no where instead of using his b , so as a tony I would guess you need to land his B make enemy attack you then go to them and slow them then stun them , mmmm it’s probably a waste like it’s better to do his abilities with high damage he is going to get close to his target he doesn’t need the slow I guess , but if we talking about ranged roams or heroes who benefit from attack speed shiversteel is sure worth it .