Happy International Sushi Day!

So, hydra, why don’t you like sushi? Is it a texture thing? Or a taste thing? Or a mental “I can’t eat raw fish” thing?

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Robots probably don’t need to eat

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They won’t eat sushi, but they can help make it!


How in the world can you make good sushi with a goddamn machine?

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C a n _ c o n f i r m . A m _ r o b o t . F o o d _ n o t _ n e e d e d .

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Wen heepster no tag :angry:
I just generally don’t like the feeling of raw things… also, i dont like most rolls

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Reminds me of a local sushi joint that use’s a machine to roll the rice. all they do is put the topping on.

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liked my post even though i don’t like sushi