Grumpjaw's perk rework idea

It really depends. If you’re facing a good Grumpjaw, they’ll run away before their stacks get low, making dps more important. If you’re in a teamfight & your teamates focus or have AOE, same applies. 1v1 though, dps is more important. And any good Grumpjaw is gonna maintain stacks, teamfight or not, so I recommend att speed & armor pierce over straight dps, but it’s up to you. Straight dmg is most effective if you can keep his stacks down, but as long as he can kite and build stacks up, dps wins out, making damage situational & dps a constant.

to get rid of his stacks you need 1 damage per second so getting lots of attack speed won’t help. is this what you are talking about?

No. I’m trying to say that lots of attack speed to make the most of every second he doesn’t have a stack up is how att speed helps. Having more damage doesn’t help as consistently because Grumpjaw can kite with his abilites alone, much less with boots, and if you get outplayed and run, his B is going to help him rebuild stacks amyway.

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