Grace is really a strong in wp path

I am just stating example… at most i could hit is at least 2 or 3 when using A.

Even as lane, I build TB. It helps me counter the enemy laner and push early.

The purpose of tension is just to give a bonus damage when in group fight. The enemies like carries might retreat back cause of the burst from grace.

That why I feel like TB is a need on grace if you are going wp path.

Okay so I did a comparison of the builds: SB TM TM vs. TB SB TM

With the second build you miss out on 35% crit chance and 10% crit damage.
With the first build you miss out o 10% pierce.

On her A: With the first build you get 193 bonus damage and with the second build you get 188 bonus damage.

If TB works the way I think it does it only impacts the first person hit and if this doesn’t hold true then TB Kensei and TB BF would be a thing, and they are terrible with that item. The only good thing I can see about TB is having that pierce but you said that you don’t plan on AA instead just one burst so that is useless. I’m just trying to tell you that you’re missing out a lot because of building TB but credits to you on building SG. At first I thought it was kind of stupid but when I ran the calcs of how much damage she will do with SG, this is what I got:

With the second build you have a whooping 338 bonus damage on your A
While with the first build you do 343 bonus damage on your A…
GIves the good idea for a build like: SM BP SS SG Aegis WT for a toxic tank build.

The 70% crit chance will make up for what you are “losing” by not building a TB.

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SM + BP + SS + SG huh?
I shall try that later.

Maybe would work maybe wouldn’t but sounds tanky and a burst that will come online with like 3-4 AA + perk lol

I shall practice in cas till I am use to it so i know how to work around in rank as jungle grace.

you should compare sb tm tm with tb tm tm

with 10% pierce, tb build probably only slightly weaker… but has burst and early advantage

you rarely finish your build in 5v5. therefore you have extra gold with tb build

SB TM TM is still better if you plan on laning, obviously if you’re jg TB TM TM is better.

With the two builds you have an exact 100 WP difference obviously favored towards SB and a 10% armor pierce favored towards TB. SB is better if you are able to last hit properly. On a good day I am able to get SB in 5 min on bad days it takes 6-7 minutes, but who has a bad day with Grace anyways considering the amount of poke she has. If you manage to be able to purchase a TB within 3 min then yes go for it because you will be able to steam roll hard. If not and it takes you above 3 min 30 seconds I feel like you might as well say fk it and buy SB instead which will help you early, mid, and late game.

On the other hand I looked at some items that are frequently bought on Grace and SSW is above SB and TB (SB being above TB). BP beats all three of them and I forgot about SM but I’m pretty sure it should be high in the list as well bc BP+SM is strong.

To be very honest just build whatever on Grace at this point of trying to assert SB TM TM on people I now realize how she is just broken af and it doesn’t matter what you slap on her.

TB encourages you to work around TB proc, SB encourages you to do what the hell you like at any point because you’ll be hitting like a truck through your the entire game.

You appear to be ignoring things like her bonus WP DMG, or the fact an SB is just as capable as TB when hitting with her A. Your also ignoring the follow up double AEO attack where a SB is going to massively outperform a TB.

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I usually buy TB ,SB and SG.
So i just prefer grace mains to have TB then SB later

I get SSW and SM with BP hahahah