Gloating again but this time its Inara

I finally decided to try out Inara in ranked and boy was it fun. :smiling_imp:

• Glaive was against Kinetic
• CP Skye vs WP Dingo
• Mag vs Vox

Skye sure did love a Inaras ult when she was Forward Barrage-ing and likewise for Kinetic since she maneuver through all the cc and ganks.

And the amount of times I stole the Blue buff from Joule (early game), Im sure he got tilted.

^Me laughing as Inara while last hitting most of the Treants from the enemy


Another match done

I never realized how HORRENDOUS CP Inara is while junglng. Its pretty much comes down to having :vgitem_stormcrown: doing damage since your abilities aren’t really for damage.

Maybe I should get back my T10 title… :thinking:

Nope. Too much ranking isnt good for my health :alphabarf:

edit: next imma attempt the tanky Inara build that I heard going around.

I would try her… If she were good in 3v3 (the few times I play 5v5 I play Top, Bot or Roam since I hate 5v5 jungle), but it’s not the case, so I just enjoy seeing people playing her (L3on)

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