Genshin Impact

They’re doing A LOT of changes on the beta, one being that they changed the guarantee limit from 90 pulls to 50, which is amazing by itself.

Anyways Im now AR26 and have my team all 40 and one 50. Explored both maps and got both statues to 10. Now im just doing daily commissions (since I blasted through everything a little too fast) and slowly leveling up my rank so I can get the higher level story quests.

Ill send a pic of my team setup later. Also I finally got a 5* which is Qiqi, a dps healer.


I’ve enjoyed it so far, at AR19 with a level 20 Noelle. No 5* yet (besides a recipe) but that’s not a big concern of mine, but I am hoping to get Jean.

Oh you got someone past lvl 40, I’m still trying to get all my characters to 40.

What other character pulls have you gotten so far, both you and @Imanoob?

Sadly no other 5* but I did get Barbara from the 20 lvl event.
Also got Xiangauan or whatever the 4* Geo mage is, and thats about it.

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Oh Barbara and ningguang, I have those 2 as well and Barbara is essentially in every team I’ve made since she’s a good healer. Lucky you also got a 5 star character too and I’m a bit jelly it’s a melee healer, one day I’ll get a 5 star character

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Keep playing and grinding out everything! I want to say keep 10 pulling since the leaks are saying that they’re going to reimburse all the pulls you made from 1.0 but its still leaks.

And Im pretty sure all the stuff they’re giving away, almost gets you close enough to the 90 guarantee.

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Also since I’m a sub leaker for one of the discord communities, would yall like for me to share what we find here on the forums? Just curious.

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Yea I’ve managed to get a lot for pulls, I’ve done quite a bit and I’ve unlocked a fair amount of characters already through 10 wishing, eventually a 5 star character will drop, I have actually gotten a 5 star weapon already a few wishes in so pity from that point will take awhile to save up for

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Leak Thread!

Your pity counter for Venti will carry over to the upcoming banner. This was stated by a Customer Service rep.

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@RiseChu have you done the ar 29 story quest yet?
I’ve just started it recently since finally that rank and there’s something rather interesting about it but it’s sort of spoiler~ish so wanna check if you’ve done it first

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I stopped playing after reaching 28 last week. But do tell! Im not bothered by story spoilers.

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Nvm, Im now doing it now since a couple of dailies gave me enough exp for 29.

AR29 story spoiler

It seems like zhongli might be the geo archon, Rex lapis. He forgets to carry money as if he has had no need before and takes up all stock as if he can, has knowledge of old forgotten traditions and has said himself the geo archon can take up many forms. He’s a geo user that uses geo in block form like the statues too, and is 5 star like venti. It’s just something throughout the quest I was thinking since he’s rather strange, it can be wrong but also seems it’s been speculated by others too, this mystery is quite interesting.

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Actually i had the same feeling!

The only thing that has me wondering is if the Fatui Water leader dude knows the the Geo Archeon is right next to him tho, if the speculation is true. Since they seem to want to have the core or whatever from each Archeon besides Cryo.

Anyways I got Venti from guarantee counter (80% surr) so thats nice, probably wont be able to hit the counter again for a long while.

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Spoiled goods

I’m thinking he might, it’s a great coincidence the person he got to help out the Traveller is potentially Rex lapis himself. But does he want the core? He seems friendly and from leaks with him being playable I don’t think he will try taking the geo core, la signora might come back tho to do so

Oh you got another 5 star, with a wind user you don’t need the Traveller stuck on wind anymore. I’m slowly getting to the guarantee limit unless I get 5 star before it, least I’m getting some Barbara dupes on the way so far

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Tbh I feel like hes the type to be like “can you hand me your [spoiler] or do you want me to take it, i rather you listen to my order before i use force” of person :rofl:

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Lol I can see that too, be funny if something like that does end up happening

Usually you only see this type of stuff in the East :flushed:

Edit: Tbh this isn’t surprising tho, Mihoyo is a firm believer in physical advertising with using Honkai Impact art on bus exteriors and bulletin board adverts. Which they’ve done in the SEA areas.

I’d imagine that getting graffitied fast, it’s interesting tho seeing how much/where they’re advertising it

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