First Mastery!

It’s nothing big, just wanted to share it!

Interesting thing is, she’s not even my usual four mains (Ardan, Flicker, Fortress & Vox).

I just started using Lyra more ever since they introduced mastery because her Rare Talent caught my interest, lol.

Win rate isn’t too bad when compared to my top 4 played heroes.


I already had 5 star mastery with lorelai. Huehue hueeeeeeee

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I haven’t managed a star on anyone yet, but I’ve got several heroes more than halfway. I’m playing on multiple accounts at the moment, and I’m playing mostly ARAL, which isn’t making it easy. Lol


I thought I played a decent amount, but am not even a quarter of the way to one lol.

I’m still trying to figure out the mastery numbers. I have 1-2 stars on a lot of heroes, 4 on Varya, and I don’t really get why it’s that high.

Haven’t got a mastery star on any hero yet, but I’m more than halfway there on Gwen, Yates, Silvernail and Anka, and I don’t think Kinetic is far behind either.

I’ve got 3 stars on Skye. One on Lyra, Gwen and SAW. Just sharing! :smiley:

Currently, I don’t see players on ranked matches with at least one star mastery. Very few maybe, but I didn’t notice. Aside from the players’ tier, I’m kinda basing one’s skill on their mastery - for an impression, at least. :smiley: