"Favorite Heroes" Sorted

I always thought he was a jungler, so your not alone :slight_smile:

I guess 3v3 always seemed to have Saw or a kiting range carry. I loved BF but hated being in the lane as a melee carry. Jungle BF is so fun that I just never used him outside of it unless I flexed (in my mind, that meant from jungle to carry)

Idris is the best. Idris can beat almost anyone if you can play him well I don’t know how many times I escaped or won a 3v1 with stutterstepping and shimmer striking out the opposite direction my enemy was expecting and following with a shroudstep.

There is a multivote feature, but there can’t be multiple “favorites” for a role, and people could choose 6+ heroes which doesn’t show which hero is the most liked. People can also troll and pick all of the heroes, which is unlikely, but can happen and alter the results. For a question like these trying to find the favorite hero, is best using a single vote option. Also the 30 character limit (to my understanding) is set to stop people from replying with short comments that don’t contribute to the discussion.


That seems extremely counter-productive though; To stop people from posting short, useless posts, you restrict them to be only able to write short, useless posts?

I think it’s more to stop those spam bots that post those insanely long paragraphs of spam stuff.

On topic tho: What would this info even show tho? We know who’s the most beloved hero in vg? But why? And in what tiers? How would we even have a use for this info?

EDIT: I guess knowing stuff just for the sake of knowing it isn’t too bad and we don’t really need another reason, but is there no other reason?

BF says hi.

BF has a superior kit…

That part about spam bots makes no sense. It won’t stop them from posting unless it’s under 30 characters. Also, it is set to REMIND people that they shouldn’t type these short posts. Of course, some people can write useless stuff along with their short post in order to make it over 30 characters, but it is harmless for everyone and its a friendly reminder. And no, there isn’t any other reason for this question unless you want to go through the trouble of making polls for every separate tier, and not everyone ranks so it won’t make much of a difference and just mess the results up. For example, I’m in t8 and haven’t ranked since three patches ago.

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Its because we keep calling it a character limit rather than a character minimum - it spreads confusion about it.

My favorite jungler is BF. I usually play him in jungle. Some heroes are flexible.

I used to main Adagio and still really want to but he is just so bad right now. Still got my vote though.

I love grace as a roam. If my carry and junglers aren’t good I can just slap 1 or 2 offense items and be my own force
Idris is unstoppable if well played most of the time, only bruisers give him an headache as he can rip apart most hypercarries and carries easily
Samuel is my go to laner though I am not good with him but he is super fun to play

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Oh. It was a character minimum… Kept hearing people call it a 30-character limit. Oops. Sry