Everyone put in your bets for the nerfs next patch

I don’t really feel powerful when I play her though.In fact,I want a buff to her passive duration,cause I find it difficult to maintain stacks,and restacking it takes longer than I hope.

I guess overall I am just not fit/don’t like playing her if everyone else says she’s OP

Well some of us are garbage with simple heroes like me…never let me use Kinetic or Skaarf…at least my Reza’s solid

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I’d actually argue against this.
Kensei is one of the very few bot laners that rewards the enemy team for going a top lane bruiser. In soloQ especially, top lane bruisers such as Glaive and Alpha are being replaced by more consistent and boring captain tops like Cath or Adagio. Him and Baron are bot lane characters where it might actually be worth the risk to try and beat their faces in, and I think that that’s a very important part of the meta.

Personally, if I were to change Kensei I would nerf his barrier slightly against tanks and give him slightly more damage against ranged carries, particularly those that only build Husk.

Well you can easily use your A on nearby minions and jungle monster to maintain stacks.

Anyhow some people just can’t play certain heroes and as @NinjaBryden said some people are bad with simple heroes and you may be just one of them. I am too, like I can deliver with Celeste/Malene but I can’t do sh*t with Grace and Ringo.

My problem isn’t gaining the stacks,it’s keeping them long enough for a teamfight that’s the problem.In the early game you lose all your stacks when you miss just one A,and that’s annoying.

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I bet Lance will be buffed again.

People, this thread is all about placing bets. Gambling doesn’t make sense. I don’t understand all the rationalizing of why a hero should be buffed / nerfed.

You only need one statistic. Win rates. that is the bottom line.

Put some wings on Lance’s Roll ( CD 1 second). Make his impale instantly root the target for the entire duration. Make his Gynthian wall push back an extra 3 metres.

Make his Movespeed equal to Flicker at 3.7 and he should also be a Land Denizen (the opposite of water denizen, where he runs faster on land). :star_struck::laughing::rofl::wink:

Zekent, i know you’re reading this. C’mon now, Lance’s win rate needs some serious tuning. You can always nerf him later. lol.

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The only way to buff him is removing the self-root when he misses his Impale, then suddenly he’d become popular.

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Or make It so he actually has some impact in the game as the other roams. Rn he is the roamer with the least impact.

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I agree, but i also know a little about the way they do balancing, and it can’t be anything that effects the animation of the hero.

So the removal of the self-root is a removal of part of his animation. So realistically, they adjust CoolDowns, increase damage values or hero base stats.

Say that to BF. #riprosetrail


dude. BF rosetrail gets me wound up so hard. Don’t mention it or i’ll just go ape. lol.

that nerf was so well planned that they even dared to say it was a buff.


To buff Lance they just need to fix the fact that his roll is way too slow and fix his energy problems , people will love rolling around stunning everyone.

To fix Lance they should just add his epic talent to his kit and then remove it the next patch once people realize how fun he is. I’m just too scared to take Lance into a ranked match but I did a penta root and penta stun in casuals against a trio queue…

Exactly what I’d do, but I’d remove the damage from the initial dash. We don’t need some crazy dps Lance, and then his epic could still add something to his kit still in case they’re too lazy to make a new one.

Yeah a longer roll would feel good in general. Increase the cooldown and make it so rooting and stunning will lower the cooldown every 1s when he lands the abilities so people are encouraged to get better with him.

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I don’t know about that reduce cooldown and such. Lance doesn’t need any encouragement to stun or root characters that’s his whole thing. Leaving the same cooldown I’d think is fine they don’t wanna mess him up and make unnecessary changes.

Tbh if there is any talent I’d want to be put in their lit permanently it’s Adagio’s legendary one…to a much lesser extent ofc

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I think they’re going to nerf the Mobile Legend himself

Shocked how often you can draft and play Kensei.

Yeah but its only fun playing him with a duo though because my friend can either jungle and I steal camps with him or he can cap and block basically everything that stops me from AAing. In Solo its frustrating because people leave me behind just because I’m on low health even though I’m popping off barriers that are twice the size of Ardan’s Vanguard. I wanna say I’m the best Kensei in NA but eh there’s probably someone better than me. I drafted him so much to the point where I’ve had at least 5 games of Kensei top. Krul is big no no though, completely shuts me down for no reason all because I don’t build PS anymore.