Early Adopter Title

I earned it a long time ago but I noticed it still isn’t showing up in thread view, am I missing something?

Just head to your profile page, then preferences, and scroll down to title. The drop down menu will have options based on the badges you’ve earned. With hopefully more options in the future! :happy:

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Thank you! Some how I missed that.

BTW I’m still unable to make posts as solved in this section.

peeks under hood … OK, should be set now!

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Hi ButterSkaarf, do you know how to get custom titles like @god’s title? I’m assuming it has to do with the amount of badges you have. Thanks in advance. :jack_o_lantern:

that’s what he put as his name

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Blind BORB. :avocado::avocado::avocado:


Hey, I’ve followed the instructions here and still can’t seem to get the badge / title. I notice it says if you join prior to VG 3.0. Is there a chance I’ve done something wrong? I’m on mobile.

The system hands out the title once a day. It hasn’t run the once yet. Not sure the time, either

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How do I qualify for Early Adopter? Is it still available?

Everyone who registers here prior to the official release of 5v5 (in Vainglory 3.0) will receive the badge. The system updates that badge once daily, so you should see it on your profile within 24 hours of signing up!

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I checked my badges and there’s no Early Adopter badge. I can’t find anything in title either.

Well you joined 20 hours ago so it may well be that the script hasn’t run yet.

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