Did they just reuse... BF splashart for Gwen's summer party?

You were criticizing the classification and pricing, though, and that’s Marketing’s call.

As far as Gwen’s splash art goes, it’s clearly a cost-saving measure.


And Vox model >:/

Look what they have done to my boi ;_;

Good God, I couldn’t agree more im regard to Vox. I was with @HipsterSkaarf in the fact that I loved the splash art. The in game model though? It looks nothing like it at all. Real bad.

I do LOVE Gwen’s model, however, so they made up for the bad splash art for me there. I actually use Gwen’s default skin by choice (one of my favorite default skin models) , but depending on the cost, I would like using that model!


Same here — it’s one of my favorite VG skins period.

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That Vox model is one of the worst I’ve seen.

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Yeah NK Vox looks nothing like a demon while ingame. He just has a red coat on. Just look at NK Reza. Looks very close to his splash art. Sucks too cause the NK skins are usually amazing

IMO, uglier than Cain’s model. Which was one of their worst. NK Vox may be the worst model. Very disappointing.

Yep, that’s why I’m so angry, they’ve destroyed Vox. The NK theme allows to make incredible skins to then release this “thing”. Not only they gave it to Vox instead of Samuel (which IMO would have been better) but the skin they are releasing is terrible and not worth the legendary status (reason why it’s overpriced).

Vox: Not so good model - Great splash art

Gwen: Great model - Not so great splash art.

Double rip for semc.

While talking about Vox, his clothing looks like his default recolored with a crystal backpack and head piece. Nothing about him says demon from the netherworld. Atleast Reza isnt fully human until he goes full spikey demon in his ult.

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Isn’t samuel already connected with the nether…lorewise i would love a light themed samuel legendary skin

With that voice? I don’t think it wouldn’t fit him though. I like the nether themed skins. Imagine an angelic Samuel :nauseated_face:

Kestrel default skin is the best for me

Really hope this doesn’t look like Kestrel’s bikini, like her white, see-through-ish bikini looks like ugly underwear- they could’ve given the girl latex or a nice print,…but NO. Give the hero something that reflects THEM this time, not just a generic bikini with a cheap beach hat.

I would never buy something that looks so awful, but I have the blueprint and far too much essence.


Its the low quality version of the skin. Plus you dont see the skin that up close unless you’re in the replay mode so its not really a big problem.

Just look at the model photo (high quality) of when caine was released compared to it in game (low quality). SEMC makes it lower quality for multiple of reasons. (@hazeleyes would probably know why since he was the one who informed me a couple of months back)

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Not lazy, but cheap. They should had paid someone to do the splash art - now they just did cut-paste-save for 10 seconds.

and a fish. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :stuck_out_tongue:

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How? its not even released XD

If you think about it - same as ardan. The splash art has nothing to do with the ingame skin (and the splash art is 10 times better looking, tho not fitting theme wise ardan).

Same, I use the gwen default model and defo find it one of the better skins in the game.