Did they just reuse... BF splashart for Gwen's summer party?

Usually the splashart artists uses different layers for their arts so maybe SEMC could ask or simply remove BF from the SA.

If they dont and we get legs in her art, Imma be disappointed.

I would play summer party Gwen for blacfeather legs not for her , like imagine they used blacfeather from summer party fortress as a splash art for him hehehe , or Catherine in the background be the official splash art , like every single hero in the splash arts got his/her own splash art why Gwen ?!!?!?

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Iirc, Crimson Wolf Yates has Contender Kestrel in the background too, while Contender Kestrel is a clean crop from the same art without Yates weapon protruding. If I’m not mistaken, from what I heard, Enforcer Kinetic and Contender Ardan came from the same art too, although it is not obvious.
However, I do agree that it would look ugly if SP Gwen is just a crop from SP BF’s art, what with Koshka’s head and BF’s feet in the way. I believe SEMC can do the same as what they did with Contender Kestrel.

Oh yeah completely forgot about that. Gwen’s splash art should be fine then

I suggest you watching it, you can see all the skins + splash arts + the new hero. The Gwen splash art is BF’s zoomed, they didn’t even bothered removing the legs. Vox skin is disappointing and legendary, but IMO doesn’t deserve the be legendary.

Edit: it got removed

The effects on vox skin its so minimalit shouldve been an epic skin

That skin is not worth the ice. overpriced AF. But they did the same with kurocage idris so…

So I went and looked at the Photoshop file for the SP Blackfeather splash (from which Gwen’s SP splash is cropped) to see why they didn’t just pull out Gwen’s layer to create a better splash image for her SP skin, and here’s what I think is going on …

Here, I isolated the layer with Gwen, BF, and Kestrel:

Note the missing bits: Gwen’s right hand is cut off, and so is part of her braid.

Next, let’s zoom in to examine the Gwen/BF/Kestrel layer:

It’s pretty obvious that BF was originally a separate layer and was overlaid on Gwen’s layer. (Click to expand the image and look carefully at BF’s leg – you’ll see a color fringe that gives away the fact that he was drawn separately.) Then the layers were merged (“flattened” in PS parlance) in the final PSD file.

The only reason I can imagine that they didn’t just make a splash with Gwen alone is that THEY DON’T HAVE THE ORIGINAL FILE.



That’s a bruh moment right there


Wow so it actually does seem to be the final splash, even with bfs legs, that’s a very odd choice

Smh I didnt even get to see it before it was removed :sneezing_face:

Couldn’t they just asked the artist for the work? The only problem I could see is that the artist doesnt have it either which doesn’t sound right.

If you have any question about it ask, ive seen the full video.

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It’s definitely the final splash. Check the forum bg to see what SEMC hath wrought :confounded:

At least on my phone I guess it looks alright since it’s mostly Gwen, definitely doesn’t look like she is meant to be the main focus(which she isn’t) of her own splash art. But if they really didn’t even have access anymore to the original to remove the obstruction from Gwen and just went yup good enough on a cropped image for splash, that’s rather sad since vg always had such good splash art

What it looks like for me


We aren’t asking for that , if you remember the summer party skins they got all heroes there , like fortress splash art with Catherine in the background , they made a whole new splash art of her they didn’t pull her out from fortress splash art , the same for schooldays skins , you remember ride or die Skye in the background of taka school days skin but she got a new splash art even it was easy to take her splash art from there it wasn’t bad .

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Wow, 3 months and no battlepass, nice way to maintain the playerbase attached to your game huh

A new battle pass won’t fix this …

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For the in game zoomed.

That Vox skin is supposed to be legendary? Epic at best. This update I’m quite disappointed with the devs in charge of skins. Every update they do a fenomenal work, this one we have a Gwen skin with a reutilised and zoomed splash art that it’s not even from the hero, no contender skin (I know they weren’t that good, but it was nice to have them), and an in game skin that has nothing to do with how the splash art looks and it’s heavily overpriced.

= Marketing (aka SEMC’s weakest department)

The marketing one isn’t the same that creates the skins though. I’m talking about the artists and the programmers that made the splash arts and the model

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