Oh God no… as if getting an epic material isn’t hard enough…
I still think their biggest mistake was not adding an ICE purchase option for cards. Forcing players to go all in or grind for cards surely couldn’t have driven as many purchases as allowing players to buy a few cards here and there. Their monetization strategy tries to emulate League but completely neglects the spending habits of the average mobile gamer.
There used to be card boxes to buy specific cards for ice?
Cards were supposedly destroyed because it was “too complicated.”
At times like this, I would love to see the difference between SEMC running VG and in a alternate timeline, Tencent running Vg and compare.
Ik tencent is more p2w but I would still love to see the difference on how they would run Vg
The problem was that card boxes were RNG. They were a bad purchase if you had any cards for that hero. I’m talking about individual card purchases.
The skin system to begin with was flawed and was dooming the creative direction of skin design.
At least, that’s the impression I got about a month after I’ve started the game back in late 2014 (Android release).
Simply put, skins probably shouldn’t have been designed with having 3 in a set.
The rarity tree of Rare, Epic and Legendary is fine.
I always thought that having a skin set of 3 was weird because of one thought: “Why bother using the lower Tier skins once you get the Legendary one?”
Sure, for F2P players, they have to progress through the each Tier to get to that Legendary skin.
I think if they have made skins be like:
- ICE only purchases.
- Not tied to having a progression like naming and look.
- Not tie a good portion of non-canon but important lore to the skins.
- Not have the card system at all.
Then it would have been profitable from my perspective while also not introducing RNG boxes, which honestly started with Skin Cards.
The problem I have with SEMC is that they seem to have very poor business decisions early on that crippled them.
Now they seem to have a bit more direction in what to monetise, but I still wonder if they need a business advisor and manager that isn’t afraid to force the company to overhaul Vainglory’s entire currency and monetisation schemes.
If I ever have my way, I would:
- Get rid of all other currencies in game except ICE and Glory.
- Remove all RNG base boxes (it’s the possible future considering there’s been an international effort looking into loot boxes as a form of illegal gambling after all).
- Remove Talents (cause these are additional strains on the balance things, clutters the game, endless and unending grinding etc).
- Remove Hats cause they don’t do much (it would have been great if they gave Sunlight boost, but nope, they don’t).
- Remove Season Progression.
- Remove Battle Pass in relation to the above.
- Revamp the skin system to have only Rare, Epic and Legendary labels (meaning SE & LE kicks the bucket. Sorry, but it had to be done) (this also means previously LE skins will return).
- Make all skins purchaseable by ICE.
- Only Heroes and Skins are purchaseable by ICE all year round, while Emotes and Social Pings are only purchaseable by ICE on the patch they were released in. More on why this later.
- Remove all forms of crafting systems.
- Ranking Progression - Make so that Ranking up to Tier 6, 8 and 10 give rewards once per Season when a player reaches them (Tier 6 reward - a Rare Skin of your choosing, Tier 8 rewards - a chroma skin for the ‘base’ model of a hero of your choosing, Tier 10 reward - a good amount of ICE in such a way that getting to Tier 10 in 2 Seasons can get you just enough ICE so you have to buy the cheapest regular ICE purchase to gain enough ICE to buy a Legendary skin).
- Revamp Daily Quest Chests to give players Glory and an additional Social ticket once per day (a guaranteed quest, replacing Daily Talent Chest. Must be a PvP game).
- Social Ticket - gather seven of these to unlock one Emote icon or one ping from any of the Social Ping sets available.
*Remove Guilds and Teams (Sorry, but I think it doesn’t do much in game and external ways to do Guilds offer more freedom and flexibility as well as easier to communicate).
I could go on and on but I think that’s the gist of it at least.
I know it seems to screw veterans over, but by this point, aren’t we already screwed a lot?
Additional note, if LE skins are to return, their SE recolours will not be removed.
They’ll be treated as they are, recolours having the same Tier.
This can lead to more recolours, cause we have to make money somehow!
Since we’re talking about the old card system…
Card art profile pic!
Man, I want all the old card art back …
Alexa, play PB&J Otter song: “Nothing Lasts Forever.”
Yeah, but 10 000 currencies like ice, glory, opals, essence, blueprints, talent coins, few hats materials in different combinations for different hats, single pings drops for unlocking packets, few mystery chests, talents chests, materials chests, bronze/silver/gold chests, keys for them, rng with over 9000 types of odds=different chests, and so on (I am sure I missed some) - is not complicated at all, right?
It’s a lot more complicated vs 1.5 years in the past with only cards, boxes for them, glory for heroes/cards and opals for SE skins.
Sounds solid, btw, mostly a scam games have so many currencies to confuse the players. There is enough materials on the web on the matter, but SEMC are in aggressive money milking period and everything they do is towards fast stacking of money without really thinking that much into the future.
They know how to balance what’s free and what’s not. Not like you can’t get anything just by playing AOV/PUBG. You atleast don’t feel as scammed in their games. They just wanted and created different type of MOBA that is more towards mobile gaming than PC gaming on the mobile device.
and most likely the people creating them are already fired.
@Gatorrex the freezing issue is indeed very bad.
Remember the promise they made that the game would continue to run past 5v5 on devices that ran 3v3 well?
The game became very high demand on devices…
That’s one of the reasons I hate 5v5, it’s laggy as hell for me.
“Blackfeather’s Rose Trail made low end devices freeze and lag, thats why we removed it”
Back when they used this lol
The crafting system was not complicated. You’re incorrectly tieing thecrafting system to the newer crafting systems later introduced. There wasn’t anything intrinsically difficult about a 3 tiered system. I’m not talking about opals or the other meme f2p chests we have now.
Semc reworked the skin system to stop the art costs , they said it limits the skins creativity but after seeing the art team go away and lore go away , everything is going towards cheap and quick thing to make money like hats , expect more next , like I think they going to add flags , pets and accessories or emotes like fortnite to celebrate kills you can use them in any hero , hats are just the start I guess , notice that they stopped making taunts cost glory and added hats because that’s what planned already .
Until it starts affecting the performance of the game itself I don’t think it really matters. I’m kinda beginning to like them for what they are after seeing the red party hat a couple of times. I get people don’t like them for who knows what reason but unlike talents it really is there just for fun. Small changes like hats make the game feel more personal. Like what’s the difference between playing on your account and someone else’s account. It will most likely be the cosmetics whether it be the ping sets, hats, or skins. Everyone can have heroes but having Taizen Gate Kensei with a red party hat? Nah. Cutting down time put into hats won’t help them make skins. Cutting down time put into hats won’t remove bugs. Cutting down time put into hats won’t bring new heroes. We even have witch hats for all of us in the forums.
The performance of the game is already down the drain… Hats are icing on the cake of an unstable engine…
At patch 2.7-2.8 everything was great no bugs that killer your game, no random crashes no rubberbanding nothing.
The game died as soon as 5v5 was added. I was looking forward to it so much but my games went from high graphics no issues to low graphics and still issues…
The requirements on devices is very unstable. When teamfights happen or when a dragon arrives you see notable spikes of lagg.
I can’t play vainglory on my phone because touchcontrol is hard on a 5.5" phone. Joystick control doesn’t work at all so I can’t use my best device and enjoy the game unlike the other 4 mobas who have decent joysticks…
It is so sad that the game went from best of the class to a has been…
I like most of this. There’s only a few things I would change, so I’ll say it:
Keep RNG boxes, with a lower chance of getting skins, and no chance (or very little) of unlocking heroes. That way, free players can get skins, only not very often.
Keep battle pass. It’s a good way for SEMC to make money. But revert sunlight to the system we had last season and before.
Bring back the daily chest that levels with Sunlight. so much better than the ones we have now, gives players an additional reason to play
Make social pings an ICE purchase only thing (buy a set for a certain amount)
BRING BACK THE GODDAMN CHARMS PASS - even if you want to make it ICE only.
The rest I agree with. Remove essence and blueprints, definitely remove opals, remove hats and all crafting systems. Talents could stay but need a complete rework (remove levelling on them, if it’s the only way to balance the game). Also the UI desperately needs a rework. Even going back to the old UI would be enough.