Christmas theme forums

No ones really brought it up which I’m somewhat surprised by, I like the changes in this theme like the top bar being all Christmas instead of black and the like icon changing to Christmas wreaths(?) I think, is a nice touch too. Is there snow to come with the theme too?

Also I can finally see what my profile looks like with a hat on


I think there no more snow due to the problems that came with it if I remember correctly.

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There IS snow, actually! :snowflake:

I implemented it differently this year (JavaScript rather than CSS animation), and it’s set to appear only on the desktop version of the site. :snowman_with_snow:


Oh ok, still great without it for me, is the like icon Christmas wreaths by the way? When I first saw it I honestly thought it was a donut with a bow tie


Lol, I originally picked the wreath because I intended to make the wreath green and the bow at the bottom red – but Discourse overrides the CSS, leaving the whole thing green instead.

Would you all rather it be a tree or a star or something? It’s not difficult to change!

Maybe ask others as well, I don’t mind it as is just was funny questioning if was a donut or not, I don’t mind it as is

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I wanna give more donuts to this but I can only give one


I spy with my little eyes, something that lights up and dangles from the menu bar.


It’s like each day a new surprise is added to the theme


I can’t see any of these things… what am I doing wrong?

You need to have the default theme selected in your preferences :snowman_with_snow:

Thanks I fixed it! It’s so pretty!

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